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8/4/2014 9:37:35 PM

What games would you play if you were on "the other platform"?

If you prefer XB1, and you were forced to play on PS4, what games would you play (and vice versa)? If you prefer PC, and you were forced to play on consoles, what games would you play (and vice versa)? I personally will be getting an Xbox One, but if I were given a PS4, I would probably play [b]TLoU Remastered[/b], [b]No Man's Sky[/b], and [b]Bloodborne[/b]. If I were forced to play on PC, I would likely play [b]Team Fortress 2[/b], [b]Starcraft 2[/b], and [b]Minecraft[/b]. If I were given a Wii U, I'd play [b]Super Smash Bros. 4[/b], and probably some generic party games.

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