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정기 점검으로 내일 데스티니 가디언즈를 일시적으로 플레이할 수 없습니다. @BungieHelp에서 관련 공지를 확인하시기 바랍니다.


9/13/2014 11:52:10 AM

crucible issues

Ok, so over the years I played and rocked just about every shooter that has hit the market. Shooters are my style of game through and through. After playing a few hours In the crucible it left me begging the question "what the **** bungie". The expectations of a shooter coming from a developer like bungie are very high. You have years and years of matchmaking experience. From what I've seen it's like you guys didn't even try. Not sure if anyone remembers what gears of war 2 was like online, but it seems to share similarities with this game. (Horrible lag, players glitching around the map, ****ed up hit detection, no real kill box to speak of, and horrible latency issues, and no game chat) I'm having a hard time deciding if the Devs at bungie simply didn't know or simply didn't car. However, with a beta as big as theirs was the majority of these issues should have been fixed. Not to mention it's difficult to even speak to your fire team at times. Bungie this game is ok but definitely it's the potential to be something great. Pve will inevitably loose it's shine after and while and more an more players will switch to Pvp. You guys really need to get a grasp on this and fix these issues. I can't wait for these issues to be fixed so I can actually start having fun I'm crucible you guys have the knowledge and the power to easily fix these issues. Let's get this taken care of. Sincerely, A concerned gamer

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