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작성자: xKEZIA 10/13/2014 7:59:11 AM

Shattered Oath (PS4) - Hardcore Clan lvl 27+ and 1.5k/d required!

The topic says it all, we've been a clan of 3 since the Alpha, and now we're looking to expand. We are growing fast! [b]Please read the mission statement on the clan page[/b], if any of what is said there relates to you send any of us an in game message or a request here on Please, I'd like to reiterate that we do take things very seriously (Not to say that we don't joke around and have a good time), so we'd like you to be a [b]minimum[/b] of [b]level 27[/b] with a [u][b]minimum K/D ratio of 1.5[/b][/u] to apply. We are a [b]mature[/b] clan, however 18+ is [b]not[/b] required. We ask that you be respectful to other clan members. We also strongly encourage everyone to have a presence in the clan, both in game and on our forums and clan page. [b]Microphone is required.[/b] Thanks for checking us out, and happy hunting! Clan page: [u][b]>>>>>>>>>>REQUIRED:<<<<<<<<<<[/b][/u] If you are looking to apply, please visit our guild launch page, register and fill out the application there. [b] >>>>> <<<<<[/b] Once you submit your application, it will be reviewed and you will be contacted. Clan is in need of: Titans ([b]High[/b] Priority) Warlocks ([b]Med[/b] Priority) Hunters ([b]Low[/b] Priority) EDIT: We are still recruiting for multiple US based raid teams, also now recruiting for our [b]GMT[/b] raid group. [b]All[/b] applicants will be taken into consideration [b]regardless of class[/b].

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