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9/29/2014 12:41:18 AM

Destiny as a war story

Most everyone has beat the game (no spoilers) and know we're running around killing the baddies that keep reappearing time and again. Here's my suggestion. Instead of the drop ship just dropping a handful and running off. instead of dropping the spider tank, then all the fallen disappearing when the tank is killed. Instead of having one spawn, wait until all from that spawn are dead, wait 40 seconds, then respawn... let the bad guys build up forces. Instead of having the baddies just stay in their area, once a critical density has been reached, then they begin to move into the surrounding areas. That giant path on Mars where nothing happens for kilometers, now can be covered in Vex and Cabal. The point is that the bad guys are actively trying to win instead of just being pinatas. As the number of players in an area (Moon, Venus, whatever) drops, the number of badguys increases. Then it'll be a real fight to go take that area back. Scouting mission will be actually valuable (and possibly suicidal). Instead of "raids", we have an actual mission to wrest control of Skywatch back from the fallen. Once a full area has been taken by a single faction of bad guys (for lack of a better term), Then they land a drop ship with their top echelon of characters and tanks and whatever. If, the bad guys manage to take over a planet, then we lose the ability to just drop on it. A giant raid forms, whose sole purpose is to secure the spawn point of guardians on that planet. The idea being that the people playing on a planet at any one time are trying to keep at least some portion of it under control. We can check a status board at the Tower to see what the status of each planet is (50% controlled by enemies,, 95% controlled by enemies, etc). Imagine a busy weekend, where the number of players on each server drops and we all come back to Mars, Venus, and the Moon being in enemy hands, and we're about to lose the Cosmodrome. With something like this, there's an actual incentive to play. The missions/bounties become useful things that actually help us wrest control of the planet back. Killing that Archon means he's dead and that we've secured that portion of the base. Almost everything becomes a public event, instead of just tanks, warsats, and chase the bad guy. It becomes a real situation, where our actions are meaningful, not just go here, do that thing, again. Really, I've killed that Fallen Archon 4 times today, got two bounties, a heroic mission, and another just because I need some big bad Fallen kills. I know that's not really the direction that Bungie seems to be heading with this. But I'm level 25 and bored to tears. I haven't gotten any ascendant energy in a while (a strike a day, 2-4 public events a day, plus a heroic mission every now and again). So there's not much point. I go to Mars, not for killing bad guys, but to hunt down loot chests and iron deposits. Bleh.

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