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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
12/4/2014 6:35:37 AM

Sword of Crota in the basement!

I was gathering sensor mites on the cosmodrome and went to the basement near spawn down in the "sewers". After killing the yellow enemies twice, a message appeared saying "the hive are preparing a ritual". I look over and three acolytes were praying and suddenly an enemy appeared named "The blade of Crota". It was a level three yellow knight! After killing the blade, I was given the option to "pick up the relic". The relic was none other than the blade of Crota! It was epic and lasted for about two minutes before breaking but I was so excited to use it! Deej, if you happen to read this, be sure to thank the good folks of Bungie for adding this epic event! Also, did you happen to hear about them moving the ships in the cosmodrome? They are so much closer than they once were... -Hiddenmonkey10

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