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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: FoxIntox 12/22/2014 6:35:04 PM

Will you be getting Necrochasm ?

Yeah , gonna make some explosions


Nope , Eidolon ally is good enough as it is


So , as many of you know , a new evolving gun has been introduced with the latest dlc : Necrochasm , or to be more accurate : Husk of the Pit --> Eidolon Ally --> Necrochasm So far , Necrochasm is not yet obtainable since you need a Crux of Crota from the hard raid , which will be accessible in January . I'm guessing quite a lot of people must have unlocked the Husk of the Pit already , and some of them must've turned it into Eidolon ally . If you haven't , go chechk some youtube videos about how to get them . Now here's my concern . Since Necrochasm's stats are already available on [url=]DestinyTracker[/url] and [url=]DestinyDB[/url] , we can already compare it to it's pre-evolved form . You'll notice that the differences are not very significant . Here is a list of them : -Necrochasm has 76 in reload speed instead of 65 -Necrochasm has 55 in equip speed instead of 50 -Necrochasm has 75 in aim assistance instead of 66 -Necrochasm has 65 in recoil direction instead of 70 -Necrochasm deals arc damage -Necrochasm is an exotic (thx captain obvious) -And the most important of all , Necrochasm has the perk "Cursebringer" which turns every battlefield into some sort of Michael Bayish fight scene with cursed thrall explosions everywhere Obviously the two last modifications are the most important , since the other ones are barely noticeable . Here's my opinion on Eidolon Ally . At first I thought it was absolute shit , having very little range , almost no stability , very low impact and a small mag with only 42 bullets (compared to around 70 for similar weapons) , but then I unlocked Rangefinder , fitted stock and all , and I came to like it . In the end , I think Eidolon ally is a very good weapon when put in the right hands . Now , about Necrochasm (and bear in mind that nobody has it yet , so I'm just speculating) , of course the perk cursebringer is an amazing thing fr both PvE and PvP (unless it's again some kind of deception as for the 4th Horseman) , but this gun has a MAJOR flaw , and that is : being an exotic !! Yeah , you heard correctly , being an exotic is a FLAW . Think about it a little , and you'll notice that , if you turn your Eidolon Ally into Necrochasm , you can say goodbye to the idea of playing it with any other exotic . For example , as of right now , I'm rocking the EIdolon+Ice Breaker combo , and it works just fine ! But if you turn your purple into a golden gun , it means it will take your exotic slot . So does having explosions everywhere compensate it's exotic nature ? WHat do you think about it ? Will you be turning Eidolon Ally into Necrochasm ? Will you keep your purple ? [spoiler]or you could simply have both ... *facepalm*[/spoiler] TL;DR : will you give up your exotic slot for some nasty headshotsplosions ?

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