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데스티니 가디언즈

데스티니 가디언즈에 관한 모든 것을 토론해봅시다.
작성자: Extivix 1/2/2015 1:17:08 AM

Overused weapons in Crucible???? get outta heeerrrre :)

So, I enjoy Crucible -offscreen audience gasp- YEA I said it! So what, big whoop wanna fight about it? I have noticed that people use nearly the same weapons for PvP. Now I get that the perks and stuff are great, but change up sometimes. Kiiinda gets a little annoying for other players (one being this guy). Now don't go saying "OH, YOU JUS SUCK AT TH GAME, RANK UP THAT KD NEWB! LOLOL!!!11!" I don't care bout KD, Crucible is for me. Aaaand finally, what weapons, Primary, Special, and Heavy, have YOU been commonly killed by? I can name a few; (PS I am not asking [b]WHAT YOU USE[/b] I'm asking what [b]KILLS YOU THE MOST[/b] [b]Primary[/b]: Suros Regime, Thorm, Hawkmoon, Shadowprice [b]Special[/b]: Found Verdict, Swordbreaker, Murmur, Comedian, Preadyths Revenge, Patience and Time, Invective [b]Heavy[/b]: Gjallahorn, Truth, Hezen, Jollder's Hammer

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  • This post is pretty true.......but if you made this same post 2 months into the game, there would have bee less guns on this list. They have done a decent balance job to get more guns into PvP. I

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