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Resilient Night

"We lurk in the shadows."

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    We are a cool group of people with one common love of a fun game!

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원본 게시물 출처:Resilient Night
작성자: UphillMercury 1/10/2015 4:15:32 AM

Are bronies real or are they just in our minds??

It's up for interpretation, but please, if you have any information about a brony in your local neighborhood, or has been creeping on your stuffed animals or has homoerotic tendencies such as: going flacid to erect at a moments notice, please call the brony hotline: 911 and get him to a nearest jail cell as soon as possible. Please and thank you guys for your continued and accurate neighborhood patrol. Bronies look like this: Copy Paste and please be on the lookout for fraudsters, creepsters, pedophiles, and your local village idiots.

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