The PS4 version of Gone Home has a 3.8 user score on Metacritic. This is such an outrage that I will not couch my rage as "my humble opinion". Those user reviews are morally wrong and the audience needs to grow up and recognize a perfect experience when they see it. My belief in the quality of Gone Home is unwavering, and I will spar endlessly with anyone who would disrespect Gone Home.
Let's clear out the junk arguments against this game.
1)[u] Gone Home is too short.[/u] You know what else is short? Sex. And guess what, sex is awesome and keeps the human race going.
2) [u]Gone Home is too expensive.[/u] Gone Home is free right now if you have PS Plus, so download it already! Also, it is time the gaming community embraced quality over quantity. Imagine if paintings were valued by their canvas size or music was awarded by song length. The argument is ridiculous, and only serves to reveal how little players value their own time.
3) might have spoilers. Read at your peril.[spoiler][u]Nothing happens.[/u] Some people don't want to read a bunch of notes and listen to audio logs. If anyone is expecting ghosts or psychopaths to attack them, then hopefully they will be as pleasantly surprised as I was with the evolution of my understanding of the story. Gone Home has some of the best (if not the best) writing I have ever seen on my PS4. Plenty happen. Plenty happens, just not in the 3-D rendered world.[/spoiler]
4) [u]You can watch it on YouTube.[/u] Why go to the trouble of watching Gone Home on YouTube? Why not read GameFaqs or the synopsis on Wikipedia? Why experience anything when someone else can experience it for you? Or better yet, before you dare suggest watching Gone Home on YouTube, go straight to Hell and burn in fire for eternity.
So you claim your opinion is the only correct one. [spoiler]No.[/spoiler]
Metacritic User Reviews? People actually look at those?
Dude, played this on pc over a year ago. It's great
What is this game
Edited by Inflicte: 6/11/2016 9:27:45 PMYou make valid points, but a lack of content (I'm not specifically talking about Gone Home) in a video game is a little different from the size of picture or the length of a song. Surely quality does outweigh quantity, but that does not mean quantity is out of the question when considering the value of a game. Like how a 60fps, 1080p, mind-blowing 10 minute experience cannot justify a $60 price tag, quality matters, but it cannot compensate for lacking substance.
Sorry, but I like more gameplay with my video games.
you're right, a 3.8/10 is much to high for a game with no gameplay at all
[b] [/b]
I'll humor you and download it. Might be a couple days for my thoughts on it because of my internet.
I got given a Steam code for it a while ago. It's just sitting there unplayed. I should probably give it a shot.
Its a generic game that appeals to the Hipster crowd.
This post is morally wrong.
I really enjoyed the game on Xbox I purchased it as soon as it became available. I had heard great things from a gaming podcasts, so I knew what kind of game to expect and I wasn't at all disappointed.
Edited by RykerAnime61: 6/11/2016 2:02:29 AMMetacritic scores are crap in general. It should be taken out back and put down.
>OP wears his opinion as a badge of honor >tries to shove it down everyone's throat >can't handle it when people disagree Top notch, mate
I get it you like the game, good for you. I don't, it is not my kind if game, good for me. Ignore Metacritic, it is irrelevant especialy the user reviews.
As a fag I thought the game kinda sucked. Its really generic
I thought Gone Home was critically acclaimed and had pretty good reviews. Never played it Never watched it Wont comment on the game itself.
A review isn't morally wrong. Sorry nobody likes your niche game
And like that, the next cancerous fandom is born.
[quote]Metacritic user reviews of Gone Home are morally wrong[/quote]I'm not sure you know what morality is.
Sorry but what is gone home?
I hope you're trolling.
[quote]People have a different opinion to me, stop them[/quote]
Metacritic and butthurt fans 👌👈
If your sex is short, you're doing it wrong.