The Sisterhood of Guardians is a Destiny community dedicated to providing a positive, friendly, and engaging Destiny experience for female-identifying players. We have over 2,000 members from around the world, an active leadership team and a unified clan system.
[b]OUR GROUP[/b]
As a part of the Sisterhood community you'll be able to connect with other ladies across all platforms through our private social network to join community events, participate in contests, share strategies and help each other achieve victory over the darkness! We use the app Band as our primary point of communication, as well as an XBOX Club and PSN Community.
[b]OUR CLANS[/b]
Looking to do more than just mingle? We have general interest and speciality clans focused on Raid and PvP to help you find the best fit for your play style.
[b]JOIN US[/b]
The Sisterhood is LGBT friendly, all ages, any skill level, and always recruiting! Check out our Group page:
If Bungie has not yet fixed the group system, you may get an error. In that case please user our custom application: