I think that allowing Gaurdians to pick up enemy weapons would be awsome new way to play destiny! All enemy weapons would drop at different rates.
The easy enemies would drop at a faster rate. The harder yellow bars would drop less. The weapon drop would be similar to the scorch canon. It would be limited ammo and then disappear.
Personally want Randal the vandal’s shock rifle.
this ain't halo m8
I think there’s a “District 9” problem though.
Edited by JasperGTR: 8/8/2018 11:14:35 AMI think that elemental full-auto zero-falloff cross-map shotgun that I've wanted since D1 (Aksor in Winter's Run) would be my go-to. Either that or Valus Ta'aurc's Sweet Business, but with a sub-1 sec TTK from the other side of the map.
This is the stuff I like to see in the feedback section. People thinking outside the box and thinking of cool ideas. Sick of hearing the same unimaginative crap like “lower ttk” or “weapon slot changes” and all that crap
Thank you everyone for replying to my post!
Excellent idea! *bump*
Cool idea. I like it. I’m in. Let’s add to this idea. Enemy weapon foundries. Different brands of enemy weapons. Several quest lines allowing you to discover the history of the enemy weapon foundries. New enemy weapons of all rarities. Cool stories based around the enemy weapon foundries.
I mean there are enemy weapons in the game already... they all kinda suck or are too op to be non power ups but they’re there
Yes plz I want that so much!!!!