13 effing years and finally, I get to play it tonight (GameStop preorder)
Traversing the void - old
I don't think I'll be getting much sleep tonight. -
Yeah, I am, personally can’t wait.
Nope not at all, I've never much cared for KH, although i am happy to see the gaming community happy for it.
Yeah I’m picking it up in the morning. Employee discount gives me a reason to wait. I’ll probably b snagging it on my Xbox instead of my ps4 tho
I have to wait until Thursday, but yes, I’m so hyped!
I have 0.17mbs internet for the next month... FML. FMI.
Yep, I'm pretty excited. Won't be able to play long tonight, but there is always tomorrow!
I can’t wait! Then after I beat it can go back online.
You have no idea. I didn't think this moment would ever come. Only 8 more hours! Although I'm not acting very excited today, just seems unreal at this point.
I thought GameStop canceled most of the preorders?
Hype!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve got an epic night set for me...