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Clan Recruitment

Look for Clans or seek new members.
Edited by Super Sam 2203: 12/1/2019 1:45:24 PM

New or veteran player looking to get back into the game?

Hey we are a relatively new xb1 clan who are now recruiting people who enjoy playing this game as much as we do! We’re looking to build up our clan of either new or veteran players so we have a nice core group of players who all enjoy playing together. We are mainly GMT based but we have a number of American players too that can help out. We don’t expect everyone to come on every single day as of course you all have your personal lives too but if you’re ever taking a hiatus please let one of the admins know so we know where you are. Rules: 1. Must have discord as all of our events are discussed on here. 2. Participate as much as you can in order to gain respect from fellow clan mates. 3. 2 week inactivity or more results in removal from the clan - if you have family issues or are going away please let one of us admins aware. 4. Just don’t be an ass, jokes and banter is no problem but don’t start harassing people we just want a chill community who can all get along Send me a PM or reply to this if you’re interested, I look forward to hearing from you.
#Xbox #Clans #new #GMT

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