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Edited by FirestrikeAlpha: 8/14/2022 11:23:41 PM

Match. Game. In. Every. Single. Activity.

Why is Bungie's answer to the question of "How do we make this activity harder?" always to add Match Game Modifier. Yes, it does make it harder. Yes, it makes you think about your loadout and tailor it to the encounter/strike. It [i]does, in fact,[/i] make content harder, it does what I am asking for. [b]But[/b], I am getting tired of needing to account for it on every. single. activity. that is Master/Grandmaster level. It makes content harder with the bare minimum effort required to do so. I guess I just want Bungie to make things harder via mechanics or new/additional enemies, or something more akin to Hard Mode Raids from Destiny 1, where their solution wasn't to add modifiers. Honestly, for strikes I do not mind. Its raids I find it the most annoying in personally. I could be completely alone in this. I'm just curious to see if others agree or disagree. Edit: I’m not saying I struggle with Match Game or that “its too difficult”. The only point I am trying to bring up is that Bungie seems to use it as an easy, catch-all difficulty increase no matter what activity it is. Instead what I would like to see is unique-to-that-activity instances of difficulty increase. Example: Hard Mode King’s Fall gives the War Priest new taken abilities whenever a Totem is disintegrated by the Oculus, and adds the Unstable Light mechanic to the Golgoroth fight. Now for Application to D2 Dungeon: For Master Duality, whenever you enter the “Nightmare Side” of the Leviathan, health regeneration is disabled. Now the only way is via Wells of Life, Healing Rifts, Devour, etc to reclaim lost health from battle. Boom, done. Creative, unqiue way to add difficulty to Master Duality without going “eh slap on Match Game, trusty, old Match Game never fails!”

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  • Because the point isn't to make it harder. The point is to make it tedious and limiting the player's loadout. Match Game and Champions are nothing but systems designed to frustrate the player under the guise of increased difficulty. Bungie isn't interested in hand-crafting more difficult mechanics or additions to content when they can just slap triple-element shields + Match Game + Champions + Additional Champions and achieve their desired result. That result, of course, is to force you to use what Bungie wants you to use so they can pretend you're "being encouraged to try something different" and pat themselves on the back.

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  • Bungie: play the way you want. Lol

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    • Because all they know how to do is copy and paste, They had the answer right in front of them with the Legendary WQ Campaign, which was at a good difficulty level without any champions or modifiers. Just more beefy enemies and a new threat being the Hive Guardian using a super against you. For some reason they have made all content feel the same. Master raids, master dungeons, Grandmaster nightfall, etc, all feel the same. Match game, champions, etc. They just copy and paste this to everything and it becomes so boring. They need to make content challenging without champions and modifiers. They can do it. We see that clearly with the legendary campaign. They need to add contest to raids with extra loot incentive, and add some sort of hard mode dungeons without champions and modifiers. Just beefy enemies with limited revives like hard mode raids in D1.

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      • Remember when hard-mode raids actually changed mechanics instead of just adding nightfall modifiers?? I do in D1

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        • Bungie making endgame content. More adds match game, match game and champs

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        • Adaptive ammunitions as a perk is cool but I feel like it’s sorta fallen flat. Maybe it could be converted into a mod for every weapon? Be it a weapon slotted mod or an armour one like another barrier?

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        • No. That’s what the Champion mechanic basically does…and we’re all tired of having our loadouts decided for us. It’s time for Bungie to stop taking shortcuts and do the heavy lifting needed. Sounds like they’re hiring the people needed to do things right.

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        • Match game and champion hoard (or whatever its called ) is there by default on master even if there's no shielded enemy or champions And yea limiting load out to coordinate with your team and no recreate what the entirety of D1 was with only use the same weapon for everything

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          • It’s not about how easy it is to make an activity hard. It’s the most standard thing to guarantee a need for teamwork and competence. That’s why it’s on everything, it’s the staring modifier and then more is added.Like you need a baseline of difficulty to make things require a fireteam. Match game does that job. If you cannot manage that starting modifier then you can’t handle higher. That’s the idea and why it’s on legend nightfalls.

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            • It doesn’t make it harder, it just makes it arby simulator

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            • Cause it’s easy to do? That’s their main criteria for making content. Whatever is easier.

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            • Edited by Demon_XXVII: 8/16/2022 4:10:38 AM
              “Introducing Match Game to the Tower/HELM” The challenge coin system Pray god you’re running the correct subclass (random algorithm as you’re flying in) or you’ll never get to cash in your engrams! (Access to Eververse still available via director)” ~ Bungie 🤔🤬🤯😄

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            • Match game isn’t hard at all. It’s just annoying as -blam!-. Another way they limit how we play.

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            • Isn't everyone here stacked on vault space? Out of the 500 weapons you have, I'm sure you can find a weapon with the element to match for a nightfall. Matchgame was designed to change up your loadout from time to time. It is a test to see if your vault is lacking.

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              • Without match game then weapon elements wouldn't matter and you could use the same 3 weapons for everything Buy I do agree, harder versions need less forgiving mechanics,instead of just relying on more shields and champs, like Zero Hour Heroic having a longer and more difficult jump puzzle

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                • I wish it was in every single activity.

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                • Adaptive/Genesis is a wicked combo for match game.

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                • If bungie added new mechanics for people to watch out for, the casual community would cry so much about content being hard. Bungie thinks they are slick by giving arby anti barrier but it ignores match game 100% cause people complained so much.

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                • How to fix Destiny for me and make me want to play GMs again: 1) Replace Match Game with a new modifier that makes it so shields are slightly tougher and do not explode on element match. (Instead of. Requiring the player to match elements, make the distance between elements less, and encourage build making). 2) Replace champions with Hive Guardian style enemies. The game calls them lieutenants. Replace champions with lieutenants from each race. Even if you have to dodge the lore a bit. Again, lifting weapon restrictions encourages buildmaking. 3) Without these limitations, install more difficult modifiers. Now you can finally encourage a play style. How Bungie designed Destiny: You have 5 pieces of armor with one of four elements. Each of these can equip three mods, including one combat style mod from 3 archetypes, using 10 energy. Each element has its own strengths and weaknesses, and synergizes with a subclass. Each subclass also has its own set of keywords which may be referenced by armor, weapons, or even mods. Combining 3 weapons, a subclass with its own Loadout, and 5 pieces of armor with tailored stats, mods, and synergies, you have a builds. Jk. Put on a pulse rifle, glaive, and you must have arc and solar damage. Oh, did you try buildcrafting? That’s cute. If you’re going to give massive, artificial load out restrictions, then just give us a load out for the mission. The Witch Queen campaign was proof we can have hard without champions, match game, light, or any of the other crutches Destiny uses. Sadly, after the campaign, the game returned to its old crutches and I remembered why I had stopped playing.

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                  • Because everything in Destiny is artificially inflated.

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                  • No match game doesnt make the game harder. When you have the right element its easier than if they didnt had shields.(explosion damage/ staggering them) Its just a way to prevent you from using what you want. Why ? idea. Same goes for champions, once you have the right mod they arent a threat at all, but just a wall to waste ammo on.

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                  • Match Game doesn't bug me as much as Locked Loadout does. The latter just plain sucks in higher end content because it removes a lot of loadout flexibility. Combined that and the damn champion system and weapon variety is arguably more ironclad than it was prior to Shadowkeep.

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                  • Adaptive munitions works well, but still - if the burn doesn’t match my adaptive munitions weapons I won’t even bother. Also, I hate running double primaries so that really zaps my play time. If Bungie wants to be scumbags about certain things - for artificial difficulty’s sake - I just won’t play 🖕🏻

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                  • This is why they added adaptive munitions as a perk to counter this modifier.

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                  • I want stasis weapons to also break solar shields and future dark elements for their equivalent light elements

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                    • Edited by Demon_XXVII: 8/14/2022 10:29:49 PM
                      The modifier that truly pisses me off this season is [i]Combat Acceleration[/i] in Nightfalls What’s the point of grinding out/building armour to have melee/grenade/class ability regen If Bungie can just disable it with one bloomin’ mod! That, on top of Shielded, Togetherness, Match Game etc Just extra crap to wade through!

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