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Edited by Agent Vulpes: 5/17/2024 9:45:09 AM

A Really Random Thought: Guardians and Pregnancy

This is kind of strange but it’s a random thing I thought of. This “thought” as I’m going to refer to it (as it is not really a theory, but just more of a thought) is about the ability of a Guardian (or two) to raise a natural-born child. What I mean is this: could a female Guardian still carry a child and have that child normally? My answer: probably. There is nothing in the lore to suggest that every part of a Guardian does not have the same function as a normal human. Therefore, a female Guardian could most likely still get pregnant, carry a child, and have and raise that child normally. However, there is a catch. In the Ghost Stories lore book, the entry called “No Rez for the Weary” suggests that when a Guardian is revived, it is this new revival is based on another timeline’s version of the Guardian. [quote] I think I know why. Some share my theory. What do we do when we bring our Guardians back? What is the magical heart of the process? Are we like the City's probability kilns, twisting the quantum vacuum in our favor to yield matter? Perhaps. Perhaps. But certain members of a cult I shall not directly name have their own specific interpretation of this process. "When you bring him back," they told me, "you must have a template... an image to provide you with the information you need. Where do you find that template? “Simply in a neighboring timeline. A place where he is still alive and intact. And wherever there is great danger, wherever the probability of death is too high, then those timelines become scarce and hard to reach. And so you find the zones where Guardians cannot easily be remade." [/quote] Essentially, you are not revived, you are recreated based on another, past, version of yourself. So, when a Guardian is revived, they are not revived in their current physical state, of course. How does this connect to my question? Well, if a female Guardian carrying a child dies, what happens to the child? Our reasoning here suggests that the Guardian would be revived in a past, most likely non-pregnant, version of herself. On top of that, the child is a separate life from the Guardian, the Ghost would not be able to revive them both. Therefore, the child would be lost. So for a Guardian to become with child and keep the child, she would have to not die. Unless this Guardian is absolutely incredible, this would mean that she would have to be out of commission for at least a year, maybe more, until the baby is weaned. This would come at a great loss to the Vanguard, though, as losing even one Guardian can make their fight a lot harder. All this considered, here is my conclusion. Yes, a Guardian could have and raise a child, but she would have to abandon many or most of her duties as a Guardian. As the Vanguard would not to lose a hand in the fight, they may not allow this. On the off chance they would, or the Guardian is a woman of a particular manner, she could would happily be able to raise her child. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. for context: I decided to write this up at 11:30 at night and post it at 11:50 I couldn't sleep y’all have fun questioning my sanity after reading this Edit: I did not expect people to actually reply seriously to this.
#destiny2 #lore

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  • You give bingo bungo bongo way too much credit. Also, do you work for bungie?

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    • Someone brings this up at least once a year. The general consensus is that guardians are sterile.

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      • What triggered these thoughts dawg

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        • I would hate to be a guardian's child. "Don't tell me what to do mom!" *THUNDERCLAP*

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          • You're just a puppet... on strings...

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            • I think gaurdians are machine like clones so I would assume no.

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              • [i]when I said I wanted to see Crow get ‘knocked up’ by Cayde-6, this is not what I was talking about[/i] / (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)

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                • As I recall some of the lore around Lord Saladin and his mentorship of Zavala and Shaxx implies that Guardians are sterile, as his Ghost comments that he could never have a son. [url=]Iron Forerunner Cloak[/url] [quote]”You'll never have a son," his Ghost had said, "but it isn't too late for you to take an apprentice."[/quote] There’s never been any mention of Guardians having biological children, in fact the most notable family unit, Zavala and his Wife, adopted their son. And when she eventually remarried another mortal, she was able to have kids just fine. Those are the closest things we get to an answer on the topic.

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                  • Guardians, if I remember my lore correctly, are remade. That is how they retain memories, reform with a vex arm, or retain previous armor. Some lament on sometimes feeling they were missing something. So is a fertile Guardian possible, maybe. Dependent on which lore you look at. It is likely extra rare and very dependent on how good the ghost is at remaking their Guardian.

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                  • Based on the few hints we have, I think Guardians are more than likely sterile. But I have a question: if they are sterile, what causes the sterility? The act of revival? The Light itself? If a Guardians loses their Ghost, could they become unsterile again?

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                    • Someone thinks pregnant guardians are hot

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                      • I’ve always assumed it follows the same rules as immortals in the Highlander series: they’re able to reproduce before their first death, then they become sterile.

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                      • Not to be a buzzkill, but there have been no instances in game of Guardians being able to reproduce, they are effectively sterile in that regard. As long lived as Guardians are, if it was possible it certainly would have occurred already. Case in point: Zavala and Safiyah's story as detailed in Season of the Haunted.

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                        • To further this issue Are guardians, upon being revived after their first revival, clones from the moment they are revived (there bodies are remade into a state that matches when they were first revived) or are they clones from a moment before they died and had to be revived. The fact that ghosts are capable of healing a guardian too, suggests that upon revival, the guardian is made to match the state right after there first revival, witch does make sense, since a guardian is capable of being revived after being vaporized, atomized, and completely destroyed. This does not support the theory of regeneration (outside of powers like Restoration) If this is the case, that very possibly could mean that each time a woman is revived, the eggs that she still retained upon her first revival, would then be restored, unless bodily functions had been halted. This gets into the question of weather guardians experience the same bodily functions that regular person does. We understand that a Guardian can feel hunger, as proven by the Drifter, but that ghosts can also remove hunger, so do ghosts also remove bodily functions like the need to relieve oneself? If this is the case, does that mean bodily functions like that of a period are still possible, and to further this, if it’s not, does that mean that the eggs are then partially immortal until reproduction. Finally, would a child within the womb of a Guardian Mother also be revived should the mother die. It is its own being, but it is entirely reliant on the mother, so it could be viewed as part of the mother, but if a guardian is returned to a state right after there first resurrection, that does not protect the child from death. It could be a very dark route to go down.

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                        • Oh. My. Lanta. You and I are twins. I’m not even kidding I was thinking about this at 11 last night AND I ALMOST POSTED ABOUT IT!!!! DUDE THIS IS ALMOST WORD. FOR. WORD. WHAT I WAS THINKING!!!! I’m literally freaking out!! 😳

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