originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
EDITED: Cross Origin Requests are supported now.
EDITED: Called out iOS and Android platforms explicitly.
EDITED: Added support for User Authentication
We are pleased to introduce official support for the Bungie.net Platform API. These are the same APIs that power the Bungie.net website and the official iOS and Android mobile apps, bringing you many of the services and features you see on Bungie.net. We are making these APIs available to you so you may create custom iOS and Android applications, other platforms, websites, and more.
[b]Supported APIs
The public APIs are enumerated here:
Endpoints that require authentication must use the user authentication mechanism documented [url=https://github.com/Bungie-net/api/wiki]here[/url]. You are not permitted to attempt to authenticate using any other mechanism.
This opens a huge amount of functionality including player statistics, game details, user lookup, reading a user's inventory, vault, transferring items, and reading forum posts and comments.
[b]Getting Started[/b]
Before using our API we ask for a few simple things:
1. Create a Bungie.net account with a verified email address
2. Read the [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/View/Bungie/terms]Terms of Use[/url], pay special attention to the BUNGIE.NET API TERMS AND CONDITIONS section near the end.
2. Request an API key here: [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/Application[/url]
3. Use the API key as described below.
The API key allows us to measure which developers and applications are using the API and how they are using it. Having that linked to a verified email address means we can contact a developer if their application is creating an undue burden on our servers, or we notice the API is being used incorrectly.
The key does not provide any type of security or authorization and will not be used to block or throttle an application except possibly in the most extreme emergency cases.
[b]Using the Key[/b]
Each HTTP request your applications sends our servers should include the “X-API-Key” header. The header should contain your key.
X-API-Key: <your key here>
For example:
GET https://www.bungie.net/platform/destiny/vanguard/grimoire/2/4611686018437163478/
Host: www.bungie.net
Connection: keep-alive
X-API-Key: 17E792624C2A43E29356B8A79EEDA64A
Cookie: bungledid=B6BGVMQFOKdJsTAWEnsW/ko5xn4glmfRCAAA; bungled=2796665744958383183
[i]Notes about the key:[/i]
The key is mandatory and our servers will reject requests that do not include a valid key.
[b]Cross Origin Requests[/b]
Requests from JavaScript hosted by another web site is permitted, but you will need to configure your application with the value of your Origin header.
In general, if you use an HTTP stack that correctly handles the Set-Cookie header in responses, you should be good to go. In particular, we ask that you support the bungled and bungledid cookies. These help us with specific diagnostics tasks, and will come in handy if you ever need us to help you troubleshoot an issue on Bungie.net.
[b]Further Documentation[/b]
There are many things you will need to know. We are providing only very light documentation on the API at this time. We are counting on the community, your ingenuity, and our ability to respond to questions in these forums to cover the rest.
sry i got some other questions for the command : i wanna read the current activity for the clan member. first i need to know the definition hash of the activity right? /Destiny2/Armory/Search/{type}/{searchTerm}/ type = Destiny.Definitions.DestinyActivityDefinition search = but what is the correct search Term for this? https://www.bungie.net/Platform/Destiny2/Armory/Search/Destiny.Definitions.DestinyActivityDefinition/Activities/?page=0 then i can lookup the hash from the player? ty for your help !!!
hey i just wanna know which clan members are online with this get request: https://www.bungie.net/Platform/GroupV2/2752784/Members/ but my response is always null, is this get command available for destiny 2 or only for d1. If Yes is the command right or do i miss something wrong with the endpoints?
Hi, I'm currently setting up a raid planner of sorts for my clan, POC'ing it via google sheets (so CORS requests being fired via that), however it seems the api endpoints I want to hit are all on 'http://www.bungie.net/d1/Platform/Destiny/' rather than the user, but I can't find any documentation that allows me to get a user's membership type from their Bungie.net ID. For example: http://www.bungie.net/Platform/User/GetBungieNetUserById/15362416/ returns my public profile info, but there's no membershiptype value, and the github link I found on another thread had them written out into a enum didn't include the Battle.net value. So if I hit: http://www.bungie.net/d1/Platform/Destiny/254/Account/15362416/Summary/ I get an invalid parameter error (which makes sense as the API docs say the {membershiptype} should be non bungie, but my profile page lists me as /254/15362416/ Halp?
Edited by Falcochio1706: 3/23/2017 6:20:52 PMEdit: Removed my question because I found the answer.
Edited by Furiosa-X: 8/14/2016 4:01:00 AMHello! I've requested a key multiple times but haven't received a verification email... any ideas why this would be happening? The email address linked to my bungie account is correct. Thanks! Edit: NVM just realized I had to verify email in the settings first. was not clear on that !
Hi, I'm trying to use the api to get information about my profil, I'm using the logging service and it is working fine, but when I try to use this URL: "https://www.bungie.net/Platform/User/GetCounts/"; The API is answering my: "This system is temporarily disabled for maintenance" and with this url: " http://www.bungie.net/Platform/Destiny/1/{Account/memberShipId}/Summary" The answer is: We've encountered an error, please try again later. Is the Destiny APi working or is it abandoned now a days? Thanks in advance, Daniel
Hi I'm trying to register as a developer but the submit button is deshabilidado, could help. Cheers
[quote]Cross Origin Requests Requests from JavaScript hosted by another web site are not currently supported. We will gauge the demand for this type of support and consider rolling it out in the future. Let us know if you want or need cross origin support.[/quote] Crap, I've been working all night to get past the CORS problem, and I somehow glanced over this. I would love to see this eventually supported!
Regarding the first sample. This is the sample url var url = "https://www.bungie.net/platform/destiny/vanguard/grimoire/2/4611686018437163478/"; This is the official API Documentation entry: /Vanguard/Grimoire/{membershipType}/{membershipId}/ GET Gets someone else's Grimoire. I don't really know what membershipType is. The possible values are not documented. Nor do I know my membershipID. If I look at this URL which is bungie.net forum profile link, https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/5545368 I see this number below my toon name: 5545368. That number is shorter than the membershipID used in the sample. However, if I notice the URL on that page it is https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/5545368. Now that number is longer if you include the 254 before the slash. However it is incorrect. If I navigate the browser to my grimoire page, I see https://www.bungie.net/en/Grimoire/2/4611686018430120182. Viola, the number is longer and the URL looks similar to the sample url. If I use var url = "https://www.bungie.net/platform/destiny/vanguard/grimoire/2/4611686018430120182/"; it works! So rather than working by experimentation, is there a site which documents these numbers and ranges?
Does anyone have any sample javascript for this? I'm trying to get it to work but so far my results are simply errors.
https://youtu.be/lvsa1F2mm5s Watch this Bungie?
Can somebody help me, I really don't understand this API at all, I am very new to programming, and I am trying to use C# to write a program that uses this API to display information about a user and others. But I honestly don't know how to ask the application to get data, nor do I know how to display that data once it has been retrieved.
Hi, I request my api key but i dont get it. Can someone help me?
About the COR, what's the status of supporting javascript Request with an API key. I would like that feauture to be availble in the future.
Hi, I'm also interested in COR. Definitely would like to see it supported.
Edited by fatassterd: 9/2/2015 5:16:35 PMHey I killed Skolas than I died got the grimore for it but it's not saying I did on moments of triumph which really sucks I only have six days to do it I work so I hardly have time and when I get to Skolas something happen like my brother and I just two maned it all the way to skolas and I got a friend in there to help us kill Skolas and bungi kicks both my brother and I but leaves my friend and my friend invited his friends so my brother and I do 98% of the work and he gets the win I'm highly disappointed in this game now I have put over 200 hours in this game I have almost every exotic so I love this game but I'm about to completely stop playing this game because of this crap and I already bought taken king. is there any way you can help me actually claim my Skips a kill on moments of triumph?
Is there an up-to-date Endpoint List for both Public and Authenticated endpoints?
[quote]Endpoints that require authentication are not public. This limitation is necessary because Bungie.net does not actually manage or validate the user’s credentials. User credentials are authenticated by Google, Facebook, Microsoft or Sony. We are not able to share the sign in process with third parties.[/quote]The way I currently handle this is to first authenticate with the external provider, make the request to https://www.bungie.net/en/User/SignIn/{provider}, allow the redirects to do the work (where I can see the OpenID flow), then hold on to the cookies bungie.net wants to set. Obviously that method only works if you know the account details, which is what I think you mean by being unable to open up that process (and rightfully so!). However, is/would it be possible in the future for bungie.net to provide its own oAuth interface, where a given account holder grants third party applications the ability to access parts of their account or a subset thereof? Much like how when an application wants to have access to your Google/Facebook/Twitter/GitHub/Play Store apps/etc... account you have to first approve it and the permissions it has, and it continues to have access even when you're not actively using it. Also, how would you suggest we handle use cases where users are making requests to bungie.net directly (such as with a browser extension)? Should we embed our own API keys or ask them to register for one and use it?
Hi, my name is Austin. I am the creator of LFGDB Destiny for Android and iOS (Destiny.LFGDB.com). I am really happy that these API's are now documented. This means I no longer have to do a screen scrap to get peoples data, Hallelujah! I am really happy that there is a group here who are geeks like me and are also Devs. I look forward to interacting with everyone here =)
Edited by cherrywave: 5/4/2015 7:38:23 PMnvm...
Edited by Rikkert2x: 4/29/2015 8:37:12 AMTetron, Can you check "[url=https://www.bungie.net/platform/destiny/help/HelpDetail/GET?uri=Stats%2fGetExcellenceBadges%2f%7bmembershipType%7d%2f%7bdestinyMembershipId%7d%2f]GetExcellenceBadges[/url]" Target: http://www.bungie.net/platform/Destiny/Stats/GetExcellenceBadges/2/4611686018441311466/?lc=en&fmt=true&lcin=true I always get the next results with and without WebAuth: {"Response":{"data":{"badges":[]}},"ErrorCode":1,"ThrottleSeconds":0,"ErrorStatus":"Success","Message":"Ok","MessageData":{}} But when i go to my legend Badge section ive got a score of +8000, so i expect to get some badges Data here.
Hi, I am trying to find the endpoint for the location of a particular session/activity for a particular user (my own id). Can you please point me in the right direction?
what exactly is a "uniqueWeaponKills"? Is that total number of mob kills from a particular weapon or is it total number of unique mobs killed with a particular weapon? I ask because it seems like the kill count is maxed at like 2189 for several people. Maybe that's the max number of unique mobs in the game?