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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
12/14/2017 6:13:20 PM

Haters gonna hate...

Dear Destiny 2 Complainers, You guys need to seriously calm down. The complaints you folks are spewing makes it seem like you're paying a subscription fee to Bungie every month to play. You're not. To all of you who didn't buy the expansion pass, don't complain about being locked out of content, content YOU DIDN'T PAY FOR! To the rest of you complainers: You bought a game for $40 - $80, depending on what version you got and whatnot. For the money spent, you got many hours of outstanding gameplay, a decent story, and some challenging endgame content. All in all, by that merit alone, you got your money's worth. No where does it say that Bungie is obligated to cater your complaints. They made a game, you paid a one time fee for it, and then enjoyed the game. Calm down. Of course there are flaws with the game. Every game has them and no game is perfect. You want a perfect game? You go make one. See what it takes. Until you do that, quit being nasty to the devs. As a member of this community I am appalled at the verbal diarrhea some people have seen fit to spew at Bungie. If you have a problem, be polite and constructive. We are much more likely to see positive changes and responses that way. Final thoughts: Destiny 2 is not a subscription based game. You paid your money, played through the story and then some... done deal. It's no different than purchasing Skyrim, or Dragon Age, or any other single player game. This isn't World of Warcraft where the community has a right to complain about things since they pay money every month to Blizz. At the end of the day, if you don't like what Bungie has done, stop playing the game and don't demand a refund. You wouldn't demand a refund if you bought a movie from the store and thought it was terrible. Same concept. So relax and enjoy the game. Please. TL,DR: STFU and stop complaining!

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    Theres a 40$ version of Destiny 2?

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  • "The complaints you folks are spewing makes it seem like you're paying a subscription fee to Bungie every month to play. You're not." You are right it is every 3 months evidently.

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  • People are angry because they paid for a sequel, not a reboot. And Destiny is a persistent experience, a lot like an MMO. Not an MMO exactly but it's closer to a game like World of Warcraft of TESO than standard single player experiences - and it isn't at all comparable to a game like Skyrim or Dragon Age, those are strictly single player experiences that can last for hundreds of hours without any kind of multiplayer interaction. The single player experience with Destiny 2 lasts for about 6 hours with its embarrassingly weak Red War campaign. Destiny relies on shared experiences with other players to stimulate its continued life. People are angry that the multiplayer content is so lacking, and what is there feels immensely lazy, especially the additions made by Curse of Osiris. The two new strikes are literally just slices of the dull 2 hour campaign the expansion added, the new raid is a new part of the Leviathan so the devs can just reuse assets instead of crafting a completely new experience. The game allows for duplicate exotics, making grinding for exotics more frustrating than it is satisfying because there's always, always the chance of getting 6 fighting lions in a row instead of the Orpheus Rig you so desperately want. There's issues in Destiny 2 that the first game resolved in its life cycle, and it's frustrating that the sequel takes so many steps back. And people have been locked out of content they had access to in the base game, but now don't have access to post-Osiris. People want refunds because they feel betrayed. Whether or not they're legally entitled to them is a different matter entirely but if you've bought something based on misinformation and have been repeatedly deceived by the salesman, you're bound to feel a bit miffed about your purchase. You might be satisfied with the experience, but a lot of other people aren't, and they have a right to vocalise that dissatisfaction - because if that dissatisfaction isn't voiced then the experience won't get any better. Criticism highlights flaws that can then be resolved by the company, and the less the company listens the louder the criticism gets. If Bungie listened more then there'd be a lot less complaining.

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