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8/9/2013 5:33:16 AM

Just watched Elysium

I thought it was great. Not as good as District 9, but still very good. Sharlto Copley was the standout as Kruger. He plays a really good psychopath. The fight scenes were enjoyable, especially seeing all these weird weapons Kruger uses. However, I think they had a few too many flashbacks to Max's childhood. The visual effects were nice. When a robot is blown up (in slow motion) it really is impressive. You really get a sense of how little the Elysium citizens care about the poor. Just after Max gets overdosed with radiation, a billionaire from Elysium is more concerned about him bleeding on the medical bed than the fact that Max is dieing. One of my favourite scenes is when [spoiler]a grenade blows off Kruger's face. He loses his jaw, eyes, nose, cheeks, etc. However, he is still alive, so his two agents just pop him into a medical device which rebuilds his face. The way he comes back so simply from mortal wounds was a really interesting way to demonstrate the size of the division between Elysium and Earth.[/spoiler]

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