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po raz pierwszy umieszczony:Huntresses of Tomorrow
Edytowany przez użytkownika CoolcatTerri: 9/8/2014 12:15:15 AM

H.O.T is Recruiting

Who are Huntresses of Tomorrow? H.O.T is an exclusive group of female members that enjoy gaming. We are mostly casual gamers. Clan is available for both Xbox One and PS4. We encourage members to communicate and want to have little to no drama during gaming. This clan is always active since we are seeking members for all locations and time zones. Expectations: We focus on having mature members. If you join our clan we expect that you will play for fun and help out others members. We will have an assortment of classes. Clan Environment: Mature casual group of members that have experience with FPS and MMO games. Popular time zones of players: Expecting East and West coast to be the most popular however, all time zones are welcome to join. Requirements: -NA Region -Mature -Have a headset -Play often -Commit to playing with clan and having fun -First person shooter experience How to join: Application form: Xbox Gamertag/PSN ID: Age: Location: Prefer PVE, PVP, or Both: Hours Played Weekly: Own A Functional Headset: What Do You Want In A Clan: Post this form in a comment on this thread or personal message and then click the link that I have posted to apply to join our group. Those that do not fill out the form correctly or provide information that does not reach our standards will not be accepted. We look forward to playing, and getting to know you! -"CoolcatTerri"

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