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Edytowany przez użytkownika Dustomancer: 5/3/2015 8:35:31 PM

Insertt B8 Title Here

> be me > wife wants fuk > gonna go poison the waterhole > whip le dick out > wife give blow job > charlie sheen knocks on door > get high > smoke weed eryday > lenny shows up > ooh bby > we all go to disneyland > ride tea cups > puke everywhere > swim in puke > take it in the bumhole > desticle shows up > we start shrekoning > shrek eats desticle with his slimy hot dog > all clap for the amazing shrek > he hops in rectum and dissappears > ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) sticks a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in my ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) > we all hop in wormhole > guys causing trouble in my neighborhood > get in one little fight > mom gets scared > mfw she says im moving to bel air > call for cab > mfw license plate says fresh > dice in mirror > pull up to house about 7 or 8 > mfw yell to cabby smell ya later > look at kingdom > sit on throne as fresh prince of bel air > bang queen > become king > king threatens to kill me > comes at me with machine gun > absorb bullets with butthole black hole > crota is now dead > why why did you take the stuff > idonteven.jpg > likebruh.png > yo mamas so fat she is fat > buy sulfuric acid > drink some >mfw

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