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3/24/2015 11:58:14 PM

Nietzsche's Eternal Recurrence.

Right, I am doing a presentation on the Eternal Recurrence concept next Monday and I thought I would ask if anybody has studied him. I am doing a presentation on the Eternal Recurrence's significance, and this presentation will build up my essay so it is like an introduction. It has to be 15-20 mins long and stay fateful to the text. What could I talk about though? I described the Eternal Recurrence and found a few books/articles about what people have said on it but now I am void of thought. I have seen a few philosophy threads so I am hoping somebody can give me an idea. Topic: Significance of the Eternal Recurrence in Nietzsche's Thus spoke Zarathustra. How can I develop it more? I always struggle before writing serious philosophy papers. Thanks.

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