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5/2/2015 10:49:15 PM

Random Gear Totally Sucks

I just read the interview with this player of the week and I have to agree that completely randomly generated gear is the worst. It benefits no one. Players should be rewarded based on performance for sure. Her idea to increase the probably of gear based on placement in Crucible is not bad. It may not be the optimal way to do this, however I don't have a better idea. And I'm a crappy player so that would leave me out of a lot the better features of the game. Adding bots was a genius idea in Titanfall. This helped terrible players still earn the achievements and move up in the ranks eventually. Good players will just earn them a lot quicker than bad ones. A real economist would have better input on this matter though I think. On another topic, the bond, cloak, and whatever it is for the titan class could also use some love. It's a mostly meaningless piece of gear that costs a ton of marks. Why does it cost so much?. And it has a level? All the fundamentals are there for this to be a meaningful piece of gear by adding 1 of the 3 attributes to it or all three for a super awesome piece of gear.

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