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Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny.
5/4/2015 11:24:41 PM

How possible is it?

How possible is it, for a game as high detailed as Destiny, to shift from small phased instances to a more open world experience. To give an example, we take Destiny's level designs and apply it to a fallout size map. Each world would have that much digital territory to explore. When I first logged into the world, I wanted to explore the inside of the wall. I wanted to check out the landmarks I saw in the distance. I wanted to explore the city below the tower and most of all, I wanted to do it without teleporting around. I wanted to uncover the lore of the universe, littered on our battered world. The story unfolding the further out I went into the wild. I don't know what the likely-hood of Destiny 2, moving into this type of design concept. But I would suggest that Bungie perhaps ask their fan base, would they want to see at least one open world location of that size, with story strewn throughout. Story that we can move forward through without going to orbit each time. A world where we can explore and get lost in. Maybe it's too grand an idea, maybe it's a fantasy. I know some of us assumed this is what we were getting before we played the game. But you will never know unless you ask.

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