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5/5/2015 12:02:57 PM

Destiny App Improvements!

I'd like to see the following user experience improvements made to the app features. 1. Bring forward buttons for moving items / equip items or move to vault, not hidden in sub-menu. 2. The indicators for Raid progress need to be in order or symbolic representations of each stage completed of raid. Right now if you complete any single section it still shows only first indicator. 3. Might be useful if we can have a sorting option for the vault (I know this is a popular request in the main game) but if not just for the app view would be great. 4. The gear screen doesn't automatically switch when you change character. It needs you to press the character image before being accessible. Needs smoothing out. None of these are critical but some are essential for ease of use and usefulness - especially the raid progress indicator. Feel free to chime in and give your thoughts on how you would like to see this app grow. Cheers. Casshern_Pride

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