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Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny.
5/11/2015 7:22:21 PM

New Guardian, does he need the DLC? HoW & DB?



No just House of Wolves




So I've been playing Destiny almost since it came out. My brother has been dead set against it, but I finally convinced him to buy it and play it. But I'm wondering what all he maybe needs. With House of Wolves coming out soon I recommended he buy the HoW DLC expansion. But is it necessary for him to get the old Dark Below Expansion too? I know its not [i]necessary[/i], he just wont be able to do the Crota missions, Will of Crota, or the Raid. Which I don't personally think is a big deal (since nechrocasm is a big pile of shit). He wont really be missing out on anything will he? If I'm forgetting something please let me know.

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