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po raz pierwszy umieszczony:The Exceptionals
Edytowany przez użytkownika Ivorizer: 5/31/2015 1:39:35 PM

NEWSUPDATE 14 may 2015 - Building a solid basis + Survival video!

Starting of with a small clip of survival in a control match, enemies trying there hardest to get to zone C fromout B, but their all being sent straight back to hell! [b]Building a solid basis[/b] Since the last newsupdate we enjoyed the amazing iron banner event! Many of us Exceptionals jumped into it with a full fireteam and wrecked other clans! As for myself i really enjoyed it and i got the gear and weapons i wanted out of it! As we recently realised, in order to achieve a bigger and more important community we need a solid basis to build on. So in the next period after Iron Banner, we have been working on that solid 100 Exceptional clanmembers. We have been cleaning up inactive people and tried recruiting active, more involved and skilled players. It is going well so far! The solid basis that we strive to get is growing stronger and closer every day. Next to that we try to help out the less experienced members to grow. Note: those members who need help! Feel free to hit up admins for help to get groups going! [b]Dont't be shy![/b] [b]Monthly video contest[/b] In the last newsupdate we introduced the monthly video contest. This is one of the things that we hope will help us to create more involvement and a more attractive community! Sadly we haven't seen much from you guys in there yet! We know you guys can do some amazing stuff and we have some video editors in here aswell! We are really looking forward to see some of your work there so Mikemc can make an awesome Exceptionals montage out of it! Check out the link below to post your video's and see whats already there: [b]Still looking for admins[/b] As aswell noted in the previous newsupdates, we are still looking for new, involved admins! So let us know if your interested and show us that your worth the title! We are still looking for 3 more! [b]Facebook[/b] We recently created a new facebookpage to help growing the community! We're going to try to post alot of videomaterial and news about the clan on there aswell! Be sure to like us! Here is the pad to get to the page: [url][/url] Its also listed in the social media topic: [url][/url] [b]WE NEED YOU[/b] To make this community grow, we need everyone's help!! So we are asking every Exceptional clan member to be involved with the clan as much as possible! Hope to see you all around!

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