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5/26/2015 4:05:15 PM

Consumables timers

Ok so yesterday I was playing a strike with a lot of Cabal when I had a thought, OMGsh I need more glimmer, how am I always low on glimmer? Then I had another thought, I have 46 resupply codes in my inventory, why don't I pop one of those and double the amount of glimmer I am about to get anyways. 2 glimmer where I would have gotten 1 for doing the same exact thing? Yes please! About 12 minutes later I had another thought, Did I pop another resupply code or not? I wasn't sure so I opened my inventory (in the middle of cabal shooting me mind you, I have Radiance so I can come back to life if they kill my wizard, who cares if I inventory manage in a firefight) I indeed did not pop another resupply code. So I took even more time in my inventory to activate a resupply code. Then I went back to my epic battle of Wizard vs Cabal. Then I had another thought, this whole experience would have been a lot better if when I used a consumable from my inventory there was a timer on my HUD that told me how much time I had left that way I could find cover and pop another resupply code quickly.

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