Out of all the possible fixes, buffs, and nerfs, you fix THIS? After all of that bullshit with Luke Smith and the Collector's Edition you adjust some Attack Rating for Demo players, remove Passage Coins from the Lighthouse chest, and added a chance for Passage Coins from losses?!
I understand there are some small things that no one cares about that you need to fix, that's fine, I don't mind, really. What pisses me off is that you continue to IGNORE the problems that the majority of the Community wants like...:
1. Auto Rifle Buff
2. Exotic Hand Cannon Nerf
3. More Vault Space
4. More Stuff For Year One Players (Waiting until the Weekly Update because Bungie clearly has no idea what they will be)
5. Explanation For Excessive Prices In Countries Other Than America (I live in America, and I know this is a problem!)
And you choose to assess Passage Coins... Bungie, I love you, I really do. But it's bullshit like this that I draw the line...
EDIT: People are missing my point by far. I understand that this was a small, quick fix to something. I get that, and that's fine. The problem is that they have ignored half of these issues for MONTHS. There's no reason they have yet to even talk about them, let alone fix them.
EDIT 2: Also, it's pretty ridiculous that it has taken them TWO HOURS to implement this extremely small fix.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Kirby: 6/25/2015 4:41:16 AMBungie: Hey look at these forums posts!!! People are complaining about getting Passage Coins for going Flawless, let's Nerf it!!!! [spoiler][b]FacePalm[/b][/spoiler]
Edytowany przez użytkownika Rynoceros: 6/24/2015 6:04:12 PM4 months of Auto Rifles collecting dust, and [b][i]this[/i][/b] is their focus? If you can read this Deej, make yourself useful for once; walk over to your "weapons specialists" and slap them in the mouth and tell them I said "Eat shit."
Definitely. I play a lot due to mental health and when the game become as stale as this I can't play. That's literally from when I wake up to when I sleep. I used to really enjoy the PvP. It was always my main focus and literally mastered all pve that I care to and now I can't play pvp because it really needs some TLC. That and they are really saying -blam!- you to all non US players with the prices and now this promotional code. Unlike others who just say it, I mean it, almost at a loss with this game and the company I have supported for many years. My partner plays Destiny and it's that only reason why I play now sometimes but it's becoming less often which is sad because games help me a lot with day to day. J.
No more nerfs. Auto rifle buff would be nice but no more nerfs stop asking for nerfs
This was probably a cover for ninja nerfs and buffs, can someone test out the damage of autos and hand canons?
I would love to see: - Autorifle buff - A dismantle option directly from the vault and postmaster - More vault space Cheers.
Yeah that's pretty pathetic. You can get tons of passage coins by playing regular crucible. Way to fix the major issues bungie. Pointless patch.
That was the hotfix, we have yet to see the update.
Iagree with everything except nerfing weapons quit being shady
Game development prioritization doesn't work the same way your Saturday To Do List does. You don't just put everything in one prioritized list and do it in that exact order and then have some beers. It's a big team all working on different aspects of the game. And to be honest, the weapon balance team is probably focused on TTK stuff right now - that's a firm deadline to make sure it's all working right. Basically, the fact that they made some changes to the passage coins system has zero impact on what the weapon balance team is doing. Different people spending their work week on different stuff.
Calm ur butthole u can take a 1 hour break from a video game lol
What Bungie did makes perfect sense to me. I mean there has been an uproar on these forums recently about the need for a Passage Coin buff. As usual Bungie came through in the clutch to address the concerns of their dedicate players. Well done Bungie, well done.
Every one who plays destiny is just a special little flower and should get whatever they want nerfed while also getting a premium package of bonuses consisting whatever their little heart desires.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Truthiness_Inc: 6/24/2015 8:49:36 PM[quote]2. Exotic Hand Cannon Nerf[/quote] Your scrubby nerf herding ass needed to put that in huh? your bleeding asshole wouldn't let you not, so you want a buff to the autos back to godly and then nerf the handcannons again?
Couldn't they have done this on Monday? And passage coins aren't even hard to get!
Most of there teem was way at e3 this week or doing interview I wouldnt expect much change for awhile.
Was this ever even a problem??? Never heard ANYONE ever say anything about it...
Edytowany przez użytkownika Snart Xanax: 6/24/2015 6:14:20 PMThis was a hotfix wait till the weekly update to hear more about the collectors edition problems Oh and I think it was confirmed somewhere that there's not gonna be anymore additional vault space.
Bro, that was a hot-fix. Not the whole update..
My trials auto rifle does 23 critical damage. Needless to say they need a buff. That is garbage damage.
Edytowany przez użytkownika il DOWN li: 6/24/2015 6:20:34 PMStfu. You cry babies have become beyond annoying to the rest of us. At this point we all know you are just looking for attention so just grow some balls, get some patience and chill the -blam!- out so the rest of us can not have to search through pages of this titty baby nonsense to read about shit in the game that a actually matters.
People forget the difference between a hot fix and a patch.
Don't forget the bounty xp they lowered. Doing a story mission bounty with heroic activated only nets you 2500xp instead of the 5000 we use to get.
I agree. It's was what the start of December when the last real exotic weapon rebalance? That's 3 months after the game was released. Six months later and -blam!-ing nothing, -blam!- you Bungie.
It's funny how nobody had an issue with thorn when suros was in its prime. There were many "op" guns, and they got nerfed and ruined.