Out of all the possible fixes, buffs, and nerfs, you fix THIS? After all of that bullshit with Luke Smith and the Collector's Edition you adjust some Attack Rating for Demo players, remove Passage Coins from the Lighthouse chest, and added a chance for Passage Coins from losses?!
I understand there are some small things that no one cares about that you need to fix, that's fine, I don't mind, really. What pisses me off is that you continue to IGNORE the problems that the majority of the Community wants like...:
1. Auto Rifle Buff
2. Exotic Hand Cannon Nerf
3. More Vault Space
4. More Stuff For Year One Players (Waiting until the Weekly Update because Bungie clearly has no idea what they will be)
5. Explanation For Excessive Prices In Countries Other Than America (I live in America, and I know this is a problem!)
And you choose to assess Passage Coins... Bungie, I love you, I really do. But it's bullshit like this that I draw the line...
EDIT: People are missing my point by far. I understand that this was a small, quick fix to something. I get that, and that's fine. The problem is that they have ignored half of these issues for MONTHS. There's no reason they have yet to even talk about them, let alone fix them.
EDIT 2: Also, it's pretty ridiculous that it has taken them TWO HOURS to implement this extremely small fix.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Snart Xanax: 6/24/2015 6:14:20 PMThis was a hotfix wait till the weekly update to hear more about the collectors edition problems Oh and I think it was confirmed somewhere that there's not gonna be anymore additional vault space.