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6/24/2015 10:16:50 PM

Dead Orbit-Omolon Conspiracy

(I uncovered something when I was researching Destiny's Weapon Manufacturers and, after a little more research, uncovered a detail gone un-noticed by the community) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The Theory: Omolon is one of the City's weapons manufacturers. They are responsable for many Common, Rare and (when The Taken King drops) Legendary weapons as well as the Exotic Hard Light Rifle. They are noted for their experimentality, the Hard Light being a "showcase" made with expensive materials, and the new Omolon weapons coming soon share this aspect. Strangely, it is never explained just how Omolon gathered such rare materials for weapons like Hard Light; considering that other manufacturers, namely Suros and Tex Mechanica, are no longer able to produce Exotics, why is Omolon succeeding? While exploring Vendor areas for each of the various Factions, I noticed crates of ammo from each manufacturer scattered around. "No big deal", I thought "the Tower is covered in ammo boxes", but in Dead Orbit's area there is only a single type of box: Omolon. Seems weird, right? The Tower is an extremely fleshed-out location and it was planned in its entirety by Bungie, right? So why would Bungie choose to place only a single brand of ammo in a single location when all the other Factions have a mix of ammo, or non at all. To me, however, this explains a lot. Dead Orbit is FUNDING Omolon, maybe even OWNING Omolon itself. Remember; Faction weapons are only "modified" by that Faction, not built by them, and a deal between the two companies might explain Dead Orbit representatives prominence in the Crucible (noted by Lord Shaxx in dialogue with Arcite) and their suprising ability to capture territory (even shocking Executor Hideo upon hearing of how rapid they have been). While this is purely conjecture, deeper analysis like this shows how much effort Bungie put into the lore of Destiny and the world of the Tower and the City. If only they had put that much effort into the vanilla Story, huh? -PLASMA

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