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7/1/2015 8:29:41 AM

6 months later, let's see how much your opinions have changed - July, 2015

Back in January I [url=]ran a survey[/url] to gauge #offtopic's opinions about various issues, the results of which [url=]you can view here[/url]. Six months have passed since then and I thought it appropriate to see how much our opinions have changed since then. [url=]Offtopic, July 2015 survey[/url] The survey closes in two weeks which is also when I'll publish the results. As usual, any issues, suggestions, comments can be posted here or in the feedback section.

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Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

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