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Edytowany przez użytkownika Kone19ps: 7/15/2015 8:04:22 PM

Stat increases with ascension

Disclaimer: this is all research except for max exotic armor stats which are from the destiny database some numbers may not be exactly accurate So could anyone direct me to a thread or reddit for how much ascension from different light levels increases stats? If not I would like to start a poll here. I'll be posting my stat changes with every ascension and together we might be able to determine what the increases are so we can predict what will become of our armor or determine if it is random! All help is appreciated. Id be happy to support and bump threads in return or just Shoot the shit about destiny and I'll compile all the data in edits. Together we can help everyone. Thank you all! To bungie: maybe adding some of this data instead of making us figure it out all the time would be really nice. Here are the current max rolls Exotic L36 Armor Type Split Max Max Gauntlets 65 113 helmet 73 128 Leg Armor N/A 156 chest N/A 170 Crota L36 Armor Type Split Max Max Gauntlets 56 109 helmet 64 123 Leg Armor 78 151 chest 85 164 Vog L30 Armor Type Split Max Max Gauntlets 52 103 helmet 59 117 Leg Armor 52 140 chest 78 155 271=100% 3 points Int. = 1 sec. Cool down 8 points Dis. = 1 sec. Cool down 7 points Str. = 1 sec. Cool down Here's a template for everyone with an example Armor name: facade of the Hezen lord Light level: 30 Stats: D55 S57 Light level: 42 Stats: D?? S?? (Haven't ascended it yet sorry) List: Crest of alpha lupi Hunter L32 S170 L42 S180 Lucky raspberry L36 I160 L42 I170 -seems like 10 is the stat increase for single stat exotic chest pieces from L36 Iron breed/regalia arms all classes L36 Auto perk I56 D50 Scout I50 D54 L42 Scout I53 D57 Iron regalia/breed chest all classes L36 Auto I82 S81 Scout I75 D81 L42 Scout I79 D86

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