Face it. Destiny is for casuals. its dumbed down and there is almost no challenge in anything.
Never go full retard.
Why is there a satire tag? It is for casuals as is any mmo style game they make for consoles. Casual or hardcore, all I care about is how much fun it is to play.
I dare ya to do Vault, Crota and Skolas with Nightfall all in flawless.
Yeah it shouldn't be satire. I love destiny, but it's not competitive.
Why the satire? It's true. Destiny is a casual game. If you want to play some pro shooter, go to CS:GO. Any game with a random matchmaking cannot be a hardcore game as you'll easily be teamed up with noobs or such.
Says the guy who hasn't even tried Skolas.
Nothing wrong with being a casual game to invest time in. Doesn't hurt the economy, if anything it means more people will take it up. An MMO(Ish) type of game, no monthly payment? Yes. Easy to jump into? Yes.
This should not be satire. This is complete fact
If you're still making satire threads at this point, you're the real attention seeker.
… and What were you expecting? Counter Strike?
Quite the opposite. Destiny is one of those games where there is an obvious line in the sand that separates the Hardcore from the Casual.
The crucible seems to be quite the challange for you.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Zenteion: 7/6/2015 12:29:32 PMThe casual scrub in the comments are butthurt
You are a stupid, moronic dumbass. Writing a load of crap in a post and putting silly tags on it makes you far more of a piece of shit than someone replying angrily to a flame post. Grow the hell up and find something more useful and constructive to do with your time. You are not clever for tricking the mix of fetid morons and illiterate children who stalk these forums, at least they have their integrity intact. You do not. I'm aware that all he wants is comments, and I'm playing the game by replying. He'll probably claim he's won some sort of deep level meta-meta-meta-meta game by inducing a rant from me. In all honesty he probably has, and we've both lost. Ps I'm not mad bro, Im chilled as hell, but have the ability to summon rage and direct it where its deserved, at will. TL;DR - This guy is a douche, and people will think I need to calm down.
well its aiming at teens and kids.. they got all the money.. thats the reason why i has no in game trading or such..no complex story, no plottwist and no content.. =) and thats also the reason why there is no in game communication.. and: 80% are solo casuals.. that just die on their way to level 30.. my firend started a new char and i was remembered how easy i had it with the queens wrath and lootcave 1.0 to get to my first set of legendaries.. he is level 30 now and still has only blue weapons.. with basically no way to grind for them except praying to rngesus in tiger strikes and lootcaving 2.0 we even did the patrol bounties to get his rep up to level 3 since running strikes would take 3-4 times the effort. and he got 1 etheric light from the nightfall =) bad luck for a newbie. .. and i have been running across some peeps that pn me at the tower, they had no clue such pages like Destinylfg existed.. had no clue how iron banner goes why and how, and not a real idea where to do what in game since the game tellz you NOTHING amd gives you NO clues at all. so basically getting the game without any idea where to find a group results in a VER lonely playstle, and i can absolutely understand why 70% of the people quit before they reached level 20 and only about 30% of the people that bought the game or played the alpha/beta , still play the game.. my friend would have quit a long time before reaching level 20 without my help..
Speak for yourself you casual scum
Someone just got butthurt in crucible :)
Someone needs some attention, another satire forum post
Edytowany przez użytkownika LOG HeadHunterX: 7/6/2015 11:45:32 AMtripleWRECK would argue you're wrong to the death. I'm just going to say it would be a lot less casual without all the shotguns that double as snipers and instant kill weapons. Final round snipers also scream casual.
Sorry is gaming a sensible career choice now? Didn't realise you were so pro you were getting paid and didn't need to work.
It's not for casuals, it's for gambling/gaming addicts : 0
(Insert aggressive post explaining why this post is stupid and ignorant) But have a cookie cause ur casual
Tags. That is all.
Say's the person with 3 chars
The retard is strong with this one!! What a douche you are pal...if you're so MLG then disappear back to COD V.56 or whatever re-skin it's up to now!! Attention seeking whore is obvious. Moving on....