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Edytowany przez użytkownika LiamCDM: 7/8/2015 4:09:22 PM

Why The "Triumph" Emblem is Meaningless

We all can agree the Laurea Prima emblem looks amazing. I salivate just thinking about it and it's great Bungie's trying to reward Year One players. However what sucks about it, is that it's too easy to obtain. There are two fundamental reasons why it's too easy to obtain, and they're as follows: 1. We have 62 days as of July 7th 2015 to complete these triumphs: That's a lot of time for such simple tasks. Pretty much everyone I know has gotten 90% of these done; noob and vet alike. If the deadline was something along the lines of 2 weeks, It'd mean a little more; but they gave us 2 full months! I will say this again to get it through everyone's heads: everyone and anyone can do this, so although it's true one must earn the emblem, it's barely earning at all when it's practically guaranteed for a majority of players. 2. The triumphs are too easy: What they want us to do as "triumphs" are just too easy. They want us to reach max level, kill Atheon, Crota and Skolas, destroy Crota's soul, capture Skolas, complete 50 public events (arguably the hardest one), get all golden chests, win 100 Crucible matches and destroy the Black Garden's heart. These things are barely triumphs at all, as many people including myself have done all of this months prior to learning about this emblem and the challenges barely require skill or time to complete. The reason why I say that, is that we've had a year to get all this done.] The meaning of this post isn't to insult anyone or belittle the game; it's to share facts. On September 15th 2015, you'll all see a plethora of players using the emblem, thinking they're special, when in actuality, they're just like everyone else. Deej says one must earn it and he is right, but truly earning it wouldn't be so easy. Keep comments mature and respectful, and I'll see where all of you stand on this issue.

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