"Naming and shaming" is considered harassment, among other things. This is clearly against the code of conduct. While your efforts to twist the code of conduct and privacy statement to your will are impressive, you will find that the moderators will not heed your request, as they are expected to follow Bungie policy, not MattP14 policy.
"You make me wish I had more middle fingers" Truly some of the best words ever assembled. Hats off to you, Sir.
Lol. Thanks - and I'm a girl but mam is not necessary. ;)
See this where tou noobs have it wrong Only Xbox and bungie can name someone a cheater A player can report a cheater but that's it Anything else is shaming
You're supporting cheaters and also supporting the reason why people are done playing this game full of cheaters.
Cheating is far worse than naming and shaming, for once take pride in your game
Edytowany przez użytkownika Brennus79: 8/31/2015 10:30:12 PMYes protect more of that cheaters. [b]Thats very big crap bungie.[/b] Give the Advantage to the cheaters. But please sell TTK inclusiv a Lag Switch while you dont do anything against. And i mean doing anything not writing any words about unused banhammers.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Arclight545: 8/31/2015 9:38:20 PMTal is right. This is a reflection of the lack of enforcement by YOU Bungie. This is the community policing itself. As a law enforcement veteran, I appreciate individuals who offer assistance rather than ridicule. What is shaming about someone offering proof of a players cheating. If I was you Bungie, I'd Stop harassing players who are reporting cheaters, and start reviewing the provided evidence. Then post an official determination. Start working WITH the players to clean the game up, rather hammering the messenger. What is more shameful? Reporting a cheater or someone knowingly, with premeditation, cheating in game? It never ceases to amaze me the audacity of Bungievision and their minions. Outright lying on pre release vidocs, then releasing a completely different game. Bungievision's audacity at hammering players who Legitimately offer proof of players compromising game play, but virtually lying in promoting this game. I think you as a Company need to do some introspection and figure out if there us a single ethical individual on your staff. Especially in your enforcement staff.
If you guys could do your job we wouldn't have to post videos of cheaters or try and handle things outside your seemingly incompetent ways of handling it. People are still cheating in all forms of crucible it gets reported all day and yet it's still happening. I remember playing cheaters in halo 3 and them getting banned during that match. What's changed? Idk, but it's disappointing, Destiny/Bungie/activision is the purest example of what's going wrong in the gaming industry, but it used to be just the opposite (bungie anyway). I'm not mad anymore, I'm just disappointed. If ttk isn't the diamond rising from the year 1 rough destiny is gonna be the next game to go on the "no more" list right under CoD. Honestly. "...It's all real geometry..."
Bungie has a policy? Sounds interesting please explain.
Soulja boy tell 'em Seriously though, by "naming and shaming" you're causing them to be harassed. Whenever these people are exposed, other people frequently flood them them with messages. And you don't have definitive proof that they're actively trying to cheat. Bungie has access to all the data. All you have access to is the end result, which could easily be how their connection is all the time.
Interesting follow-up reply. Feel better? :)
Lol....so basically you can make pretty much anything "fit" under code of conduct. No one would consider naming a cheater is harassment. But you "could" consider anything harassment. This seems very similar to deej's response about bunige going back on its word about weapons not becoming obsolete. By saying its a "new year". You guys can just say whatever yo want and then just use some BS excuse to "make it fit" under any policy you want. Regardless to whether or not it actually makes sense to apply it there.
Last line was unnessisary. We wouldn't be doing these kind of posts if you guys could just ban the people who cheat...wow what a concept right? Having no hate against cheaters In the forums due to them being delt with correctly? Wow...maybe bungie should do this?
No one has to be responsible for there own actions. Kids learn what to do and what not to do based off peer approval or disapproval a couple of nut jobs try to check trip this environment and ended up creating narrisist sociopaths and phycopaths good Job Bungie I see you have no accountability
Bungie has a policy of not banning cheaters.
@MattP14, straight roasted
Exactly what I was thinking. Props to the mod.
Actually a bungie employee
I like the what you did there at the end. Hehe
You sound like a person people really wouldn't want to hang with in person. Is that naming and shaming? No, I'm stating a fact. Just like posting a video of people cheating. Good to see you support cheaters more then people trying to bring justice. Oh and you "named and shamed" the guy who you replied to. Can ninja report you?
Actually that's an opinion, but nice try.
It can be very easily misinterpreted. To whoever the mod's comment offends of course.
My comment was a reply to another user's reply to the mod actually. I wasn't saying the mod's statement was an opinion. My comment may have ended up in the wrong reply box, sorry if there was confusion.