"Naming and shaming" is considered harassment, among other things. This is clearly against the code of conduct. While your efforts to twist the code of conduct and privacy statement to your will are impressive, you will find that the moderators will not heed your request, as they are expected to follow Bungie policy, not MattP14 policy.
Where was all this kinda talk when people where sending KermitTheFrog death treats.
Lol. Nice !
I thought Bungie promoted "self-policing" in the community? Isn't this just a form of that?
You are naming and shaming OP
I saw you icon and thought... Dr. Octopus.
To everyone talking shit to Achronos... 1) He wasn't being disrespectful, he was being humorous. There's a difference between poking a little fun at someone you're directly replying to and going onto a forum and accusing someone who isn't in the thread of cheating. 2) If you can't figure out that difference or why the OP is completely wrong with their assertions, maybe this will help. [quote]de·fame \di-ˈfām, dē-\verb : to hurt the reputation of (someone or something) especially by saying things that are false or unfair Full Definition de·famedde·fam·ing transitive verb 1 archaic :disgrace 2 :to harm the reputation of by libel or slander 3 archaic :accuse — de·fam·er noun Examples He says he was defamed by reports that falsely identified him as a former gangster.<of course I want to win the election, but I refuse to defame my opponent in order to do so [/quote] 3) Telling someone they're wrong isn't defamation. Telling the world someone did something wrong without proof is. 4) For f**ks sake people, Achronos is literally the only Bungie employee willing to actually discuss shit with the community and you treat him like this??? Everyone talking shit should be ashamed.
Uh for your number three the whole post was about providing evidence to cheaters with video proof (wdf Los)
Err dude they have video proof but apparently they're not allowed to show it
Edytowany przez użytkownika Lost Sols: 7/22/2015 10:41:28 PMOnce again, you can post any video of gameplay you want. What you can't do is say [i]omg Bungie ban [redacted] they're cheaters![/i] I've seen videos put up where people actually said cheating has to stop in the title and DeeJ replied they'd look into it. How hard is it too grasp that you just can't name people as cheaters?
Listen bud you seem like you have your teeth into something and you won't let go, when you have video proof of somebody cheating, you can accuse them of it, it is only defamation if they're able to prove it wrong because you have evidence saying otherwise, I'm a journalist, defamation, libel, slander I've studied them for years so I understand how it works
If you're a journalist, you should know that the burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused. You must work for Fox?
Well I'm English so I don't work for Fox and no it isn't, if you're accused of something it is up to you to prove it isn't true, that is how journalists are allowed to print stuff that could be damaging when they receive proof however weak it may be, if the NYT got hold of something that came from an anonymous source that said Obama was skimming money from taxpayers, do you think they'd publish it? Of course they would, that would be incredibly damaging and could LEAD to a defamation lawsuit but until it was proved to be a falsehood, they could still run with it! The Times in England was the newspaper that ran the first headlines about Sepp Blatter being corrupt, it hasn't been proven yet, but every single newspaper in the world has also run stories saying the same thing, how damaging is that? I don't know you but I do know that you don't know a thing about journalism, so give it a rest
Edytowany przez użytkownika Lost Sols: 7/23/2015 12:10:11 AM[quote]Well I'm English so I don't work for Fox and no it isn't, if you're accused of something it is up to you to prove it isn't true, that is how journalists are allowed to print stuff that could be damaging when they receive proof however weak it may be, if the NYT got hold of something that came from an anonymous source that said Obama was skimming money from taxpayers, do you think they'd publish it? Of course they would, that would be incredibly damaging and could LEAD to a defamation lawsuit but until it was proved to be a falsehood, they could still run with it![/quote] And they could still be sued... Again, just because you're willing to publish bullshit to sell papers, doesn't make it ethical or necessarily legal. [quote]The Times in England was the newspaper that ran the first headlines about Sepp Blatter being corrupt, it hasn't been proven yet, but every single newspaper in the world has also run stories saying the same thing, how damaging is that?[/quote] Actually, they've all stated he's "accused" of being corrupt, that word makes all the difference. [quote]I don't know you but I do know that you don't know a thing about journalism, so give it a rest[/quote] I don't have to know you to know you don't have a clue what ethics in journalism are and that you must be bad at your job.
So you can look at a video of someone lagging and prove they're using a lag switch? No, you can't.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Twheeeeezy17: 7/21/2015 4:44:46 PMHe wasn't being disrespectful, he was being humorous? Didn't Luke Smith say the same about the way his interview came off? Yet you're all over his nuts ready to shit down his throat. How incredibly convenient for you that you can just "chose who is being humorous or not".
Edytowany przez użytkownika Lost Sols: 7/21/2015 7:01:47 PMPoint out one instance of disrespect in Achronos' post.
That's why he said it's not defemation if you post a video
But what if it's completely obvious that they are cheating and you have video evidence? Say they are jump hacking and shooting through walls? That's not libel. Therefore, by your definition, not defamation.
But if they have proof in the form of a youtube video then it's taken down according to the CoC . If i post one with a guy who makes 50 kills and say " look at this guy go, what a skill" then it's fine, however if he walks around making 50 kills whilst being shot in the face with shotty's, launchers and supers and he still walking/teleporting around like a jolly happy bastard then I can't post it cause I name and shame him? That's like saying you can't call a child molester a child molester cause it may hurt his future (cause of naming and shaming) ?!? That makes as much sense to me as a weight lifting snow man 😬
I love you
There's a name I haven't seen in a good while. Granted, I've not really looked.
It wasnt Naming and Shaming. It was reporting a threat to our Community. Cheaters are Rapists. We should be warned. You should allow warning without the intent to harrass.
You guys are just butthurt that people find a way to cheat in your game. Trying to redefine harassment is a joke. Legally you have nothing to stand on.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Royal_Jatt_209: 7/21/2015 6:41:10 AM
Edytowany przez użytkownika NappQuest: 7/21/2015 3:26:16 PM.....wow