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Edytowany przez użytkownika Supersport05: 8/24/2015 12:43:09 PM

Crucible Matchmaking needs some serious help

So here's the deal...I am in a clan of good guys that I know strictly due to Destiny (btw, thank you for that Bungie) we mostly play PVE, raids, strikes but also enjoy some crucible, mainly Iron Banner but also Trials (if I can convince two others to wade in with me). I won't hide my stats, or hope no one looks...I'm no tripleWreck; I have no aspirations to make a living on my PVP abilities. In normal Crucible I tend to sit in the 0.8-1.0 KD range. Pretty happy to get >1.0. However in Trials I'm sitting around a 0.3. We seem to consistently get paired with teams that are simply far and away better than we are, dealing out an absolute stomping, 0-5'd most times...let's just say we're pretty excited to win a single round. In short I don't think either the Stompers nor the Stompees get much from this, neither side improving. For me the matchmaking needs to give those who are amazing at PVP a chance to play against other teams of similar skill levels, while allowing those who are trying to improve a better chance at some hint of success, otherwise what's the point. Here are my thoughts on what changes to matchmaking can help: [u]General Crucible:[/u] calculate some weighted average of KD's teams before pairing, and then draw some lines. If a team's avg KD is <1.0, then don't pair them with a team that avgs >>>1.0 [u]Trials Matchmaking:[/u] * Compare the win/lose ratios for all rounds played and pair based on that. So a team who consistently goes without ever losing shouldn't be put up against a team like my own who has trouble getting any traction against more seasoned pros. [b]This would also have a side effect of making all the lag switchers who never lose, and never die all sift there way out of general play into only playing each other.[/b] Problem solved I enjoy PVP, even while getting stomped on, but damn it would be so much more fun playing against others of similar skill levels. So the question to you then YOU think matchmaking is working well? Or could it be improved to be more fun for everyone? How?

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