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Daj się porwać dyskusjom o wszystkim.
Edytowany przez użytkownika ProfessorDarkie: 9/25/2015 4:46:10 PM

Seriously Butthurt Right Now

Contact the local authorities


He had a hard childhood, let him go




So I was woken up at about 1:00 this morning because of my dog freaking out about something. So, like the man of the house, I grab my gun and go outside to see what's going on. Low and behold, my vehicle was broken into and my $1,300 Kimber pistol was stolen! This has me EXTEMELY upset right now. The vehicle was locked, and the firearm was in the LOCKED glove box. So now I'm not only missing my firearm, but I have a broken window AND a broken glove box. Dude, this sucks. My question to all of you is, if this happened to you and you caught the guy, would you F%CK*NG SCALP THAT DUDE OR NOT?!?!?!?!? P.S. The local authorities were called immediately and the firearm was reported stolen. Edit: This will be moved to off topic. Also, this was not an attempt at a firearms debate. This was myself being curious as to how other law-abiding gun owners would handle a situation like this. Also this serves as a lesson as to whether someone should leave a firearm in a vehicle or not, even if secured.

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