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Edytowany przez użytkownika MakkinjeM: 9/30/2015 9:10:09 AM

Grimoire is not complete yet!

Hey there Bungie, At first I want to emphasise the great work you've done on expanding the Grimoire experience in general, by adding aspects of the game like the Books of Sorrow. As well I'd like to say you've done a lot better storytelling, through adding in-game lore on f.e. Preadyth. Though there are some aspects, in which I think you've gotten a bit sloppy on the whole grimoire cards part. It concerns the following aspects: No 500, 1000 and 2500 kills bonuses, and extra grimoire score for Sword kills, in the 'Heavy' section. No 25, 50 and 100 wins bonuses, and extra Grimoire score for the new PvP modes: Rift, Mayhem and Zone Control, or the old Inferno modes. Nor a correct display of the Kills and Deaths in the new modes. (I don’t really care for Doubles and Combined Arms, but other people might care.) No Orbiks Prime card in the ‘Fallen Leadership’ section. While I really like to read the stories of the Prime Servitors. (eagerly waiting for Simiks Prime or Kaliks Prime as a new Raid boss in future DLC’s) While you have expanded 'Cabal Command' and 'Exalted Hive' sections. Still no Tracer/Sniper Shanks, Repeater/Turret Shanks or Exploder Shanks added to the ‘Fallen’ section, while they have clearly been added to the standard Fallen infantry. Ir Anuk and Ir Halak were not added to my grimoire cards, while I háve beaten them. I really hope you'll adress these things in the near future. Great job on The Taken King! Yours cincerely,

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