Don't even bother trying to play on my fire team if you're a Titan. Sunbreaker takes no skill and is so overpowered, anybody can use it and do good. I'm going to start kicking Titans that join my fireteam for anything at all (raids, strikes) just because they suck so bad.
Edytowany przez użytkownika SepticGiraffe: 10/9/2015 3:08:58 PMHere's the problem. Your "social experiment" would be the same if I walked into a biker bar and called someone gay. When the biker proceeds to react, I say "haha it was a social experiment, why are you so mad I didn't mean it. Dumbass, can't you tell by my notepad and pen that this was clearly an experiment to see how homophobic bikers are." It's not a real experiment if the test is designed to get certain results.
On behalf of Non-retarded Warlocks, I apologise for this man's actions. We will immediately re-habilitate him into the civilian world.
If you dont want them to bother you then why make a post....thats like asking them to bother you...
Your 'Socialexperiment is pretty poor, you provide something you know will cause people to point out how stupid what you have suggested is, you then call it some form of experiment. You know your going to get hate, why waste your time. Titans, warlocks, hunters, we are all just people, it doesn't matter what class you play what background you come from, some people are just pathetic idiots and some people are normal people who just get on with things, its honestly that simple. Theirs non of this hunters are cry baby scrubs, titans cry nerf, Warlocks this or that, its just people, stating their opinions.
You do know social expierements are bull shit and just give negative feedback as always so why even make one?
..So, what's the experiment?
Yawn kid Better luck next time
Bad b8 m8 #ireadthetags
The worst b8 ever
This is a pointless social experiment, bungee can see what you have posted before.
Aww poor baby
Retard is Retard, only God can help you....
I'm intrigued to see your "results". [spoiler]Most "social experiments" on here are just people giving themselves an excuse to troll[/spoiler]
I would boot you from my trials team based on your kd, because you suck so bad.
Oh look, another but hurt hunter. How original.
# <---- Remember when this meant "number".
You hate us cause you anus
"Anybody can use it and do [i]well[/i]..." If you're going to claim to be a social scientist, you should practice proper grammar as a genuine scientist would.
Mama always said: Bad troll is as bad troll does.
It's a super.... no super takes skill to use....
So what's the social experiment? Are you that much of an attention seeker you have to create a troll post on a forum?
Good luck without ward of dawn
Somebody got -blam!-ed by a titan... awww poor kid. Next time you see that flamer coming for you just ask that he/she use lube and at least give a courtesy reach around.