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Edytowany przez użytkownika Ivorizer: 11/12/2015 2:32:25 PM


Whatsup guardians!! We hope you enjoyed our advertising video. Some of you might already know us, but we are The Exceptionals! If you don't know us yet, then for sure check out our [b][url=]main clanpage[/url][/b] or our [b][url=]community Facebook page[/url][/b]. But....... we are not here for the main clan right now.. That's right. We are here because we are recruiting for our Exceptional PvP clan! Do you have what it takes to become Exceptional?!?! [b]Mission statement[/b] We are The Exceptionals PvP. A spin-off from The Exceptionals Community. If you love smashing other guardians with a fireteam in the crucible, then this is the place for you! [b]INTERESTED? [url=]CLICK HERE[/url][/b] [b]Requirements[/b] Basicly the requirements consist out of the following: [i]> Skill > Dedication to the game > Activity > Community involvement > An introduction > In some cases a tryout[/i] And don't worry, if you don't meet the strict pvp-bound requirements there might be a spot for you in the [url=]main clan[/url]! We like to do pvp there too. Just less competitive! Any questions? Feel free to hit me up for some extra info! Hope to smash some gaurdians with you soon!! Peace out!

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