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11/29/2015 9:57:34 PM

So you have a sunbreaker problem...

It seems a lot of #feedback is still in the dark about what to do against sunbreakers. Here's a few rules I apply to great success rates in the crucible... even when it is me facing 4 sunbreakers. Rule #1. A sunbreaker is like a bladedancer from year 1- They are normally prone to overconfidence/rush ahead blindly and Shotguns and CQC guns almost always kill them. Rule #2. Teamwork between warlocks with radiant skin (reduces all incoming damage) and hunters with any of the tether capabilities active shuts down entire walkway paths. Realistically? Sunbreakers don't need a nerf due to the actual balance of the matter: 1 warlock and 1 hunter versus 1 titan. Warlocks have radiant skin, hunters shut down all supers. 1 titan and 1 warlock versus 1 hunter. Titans have suppression grenades, warlocks have viking funeral grenades. 1 titan and 1 hunter versus 1 warlock. Titans have blindfire grenades, hunters have evade and constant burn grenades. The reality is? Lots and lots of people don't like the cannibolize trait which auto starts health regen on titan sunbreakers. Yet my titan knocks off sunbreakers 24/7. Same with my warlock just melee killing a sunbreaker with radiant skin on. Same with my hunter not even needing the "hunt" trait to know the sound effects for each super being activated and know to activate mine. It's about strategy. For every class there is? There is a guaranteed method in each skill tree to maximize damage potential to all other classes. That's the balance you need to know about. I get that many users are also kinda young in the sense you don't see the unique ways to apply a class to a situation. Here's my recommendation: Don't think so much about it. Let it flow naturally. Make it fun to find creative ways to shut people down and save a team from annihilation. There is no one class which is all powerful enough to cause direct harm, but there is definitely unique ways for anyone to add to a team. This thread is for adding advice and/or methods you find to helping players. The top tier players may have a titan, but I've been all three classes since day 1 for a reason. Players simply need to bring back the ideal setups and work as a team rather then showboat and run around like chickens with their heads cut off. Once you find a decent team for strategy and whatnot? There's very few teams who have even visited the Lighthouse you won't decimate...

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  • Nope it's the armour I have dropped nova bombs and put rockets into their feet and they still come out sliced just cuase at the point of impact their hammer killed me it is not funny nor is it fair on the other class we might as well all play sunbreaker cuass that's op with 7 ranged op exploring super which gives you health regen and kills in one hit and the armour which can survive almost anything it is so op.

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