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Edytowany przez użytkownika Knurrunkulus: 9/15/2015 9:45:57 PM

Veterans tour quest not appearing with TTK bought / Missing VIP Rewards

Hi there, so... last year I bought the Limited Edition of Destiny, which included the expansion pass for The Dark Below and House of Wolves. I rarely got around to playing the game though, so I didn't really play the first two DLC's very much. But of course I activated the expansion pass right away, so that I had access to the DLC's the moment they were launched. Now, with TTK on the horizon, I decided to give the game another shot and pre-purchased TTK. I was looking forward to the year 1 VIP items that I clearly was eligible for because I had purchased both expansions a long time ago (with the Limited Edition). I started the game now (I only have one character), but found no year 1 items, only the Suros Minimalist thingy and one other Suros thing. There was nothing else in the mail, at the kiosk or anywhere else, I ran to all NPC's that had a quest for me. I already spoke to Commander Zavala or whatever his name is as well and he also didn't have any quest for me. But as far as I understand it, he should have given me the "Veterans tour" quest to get access to the VIP items. Long story short: This is not going too well. Am I missing something? Do I need to reach a certain level before the quest appears (I'm level 31) or must I first finish House of Wolves (I've played through The Dark Below by now)? Or is this just bugged and is a solution for it already in the works? Thanks in advance for every reply.

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