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Edytowany przez użytkownika AK_TheVengeful: 12/20/2015 12:02:33 AM

Ghost Fragment: Legend of EAO

[See: Guardian­Classes­Ghost Fragment Warlock, for context] I don’t know what came over me at that museum. Why did I [i]borrow[/i] these bones and why have I held on to them for as long as I have? I feel as if I made choices that weren’t my own. It’s a strange feeling. Stranger still, is the nostalgic feeling of this dead ghost in front of me. My ghost assures me that we’ve never seen it before but there is a familiar feeling about it. My ghost managed to retrieve a single entry from it. It reads as follows: //.../ There it stood in front of me. It only took me a week to find it, not hard at all. “Height, 130 feet. Length, 190 feet. Wingspan, I’d say about 200 feet. What d’ya think oh ghost of mine?” “Ancient.” Said my ghost. You heard that right. He was probably part of the first generations of Ahamkara. “My thoughts exactly. This one definitely isn’t a youngling. You know, for a creature on the borderline of being a myth, you sure were easy to find.” “[i]Humphff[/i]...what would a miniscule being such as yourself expect to understand about the plans of an Ahamkara?” “Plans? What good are the plans of a dying species? I don't need to understand them in order to end them.” “[i]Whhhaa[/i]...what is it that you wish to gain from this encounter?” “Already starting to plead for your life I see. Are you going to grant me a wish? That annoying warlock told me that your species were just glorified Genies. Paraphrasing of course.” “[i]Humphff[/i]” “...But there will be no bargaining for your life oh precious prey of mine. I am a hunter and your head is what I want. I’m going to shove it in that warlock’s face.” “[i]Ahh[/i]...I see. But my head is too large to carry; even with the magic of your little ball.” “Fine then, I’ll take some of your bones and a section of your hyde. I’ll make a pair of boots or a purse.” “[i]Hhheye[/i]...I accept.” “Wait. what?” “[i]Eyouu[/i] will take that which is most precious to me, my life, and in return I will take that which is most precious to you, the product of your foolish encounters including this one. “As you said, I am of a dying species. What I will take from you will allow my kind to [b]defy extinction.[/b] By the day’s close, with my death, you were to accomplish the unimaginable. A feat not even the greatest Hunter, the brawniest Titan, nor the most masterful warlock would ever measure up to. Your legend would be seeded in the minds and hearts of guardians for generations to come; long after my species have been reduced to a word whose meaning and purpose has been forgotten. “This is what I will take from you. Your existence, your legend, your name. And I will pass my fate unto you. You will be forgotten and you will become extinct.” “Ghost transmat my [i]borrowed[/i] gjallarhorn.” I did plan on giving it back. Don’t tell Tiam. “If you think changing your name will help you, then you can take it...right after you take a couple of these rockets.” The Gjallarhorn: the weapon that we used to smite the gods only managed to leave a tiny smudge of soot on his scales. I’m not saying I was planning on running away but what else do you do in the face of a creature that can take 7 gjallarhorn rockets and not even feel a tickle. Before I could think, with a single beat of his wings, I was caught in hurricane winds and was sent flying into a far away ditch. Broken bones and ribs for sure. And.... “[i]Hhheye[/i]...I found you.” “Damn! It looks like we’re done with the dictation. Oh ghost of mine, I have enough light for one final blade dance. Once I kill him, help me turn him into a pair of trousers. But If things go south I want you to fly away, as fast as you can. If you survive and pass my story, I can deny him his wish. I will be the one to [b]defy extinction[/b]. Make sure you tell that warlock that the name is mine” //.../ That was all my ghost managed to pull out. Sure enough, further down the cave there were a couple pairs of trousers, along with helmets and various gauntlets all seemingly made of Ahamkara remains. Scratched on the bones of one pair of trousers were the words; “I told you so.” The rest, however, said: “Defy Extinction.” I asked Tiam if he ever owned a Gjallarhorn...Painful story short: he didn’t and he’s pretty upset about that fact. Now what to do with all this armor?

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