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12/25/2015 12:55:15 PM

Phalanx catapult

So i'm a little fed up with the "Phalanx catapult", basically stating that, it's annoying that they made the phalanx shield a immovable object type of item. If someone doesn't know, in scripting a game, immovable objects are objects that cannot be damaged, destroyed, or moved. Now, when this applies the a MOVABLE shield, a melee hit by one is devastating in a game engine, the engine has no idea how to react to this and instead, the physics engine must react accordingly and...send you flying faster than a sparrow at full boost on this is funny when there is no wall behind or next to you as you go fling across the map, free cannon. But this is completely unfair if you're in a small corridor, i can understand the shield being immensely powerful, it's a shield, yes. But the catapult should not be there, it's a bug, and if it's on purpose, it seems more like laziness. That's all i gotta say, someone just give me some feedback, i know we've all gotten hit by it once

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