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Edytowany przez użytkownika Golden: 1/15/2016 3:39:34 AM

Hate Message Share Out ( Give in Peeps )

So what was the most stupid hate message you have gotten? Edit: Mine was Back then in the Omnigul Strike. I kept dying and dying. The guy sends message saying: "Stop Dying you Little - blam -." I send him a message saying: " Well if you could at least help me kill something, Im doing all the damn work while you just sit in a corner or dance." He dosent message back. Edit 2: Thanks for all your comments : ) Edit 3: Srry for all the edits but I just had to share this one to yall. Yesterday I was using thorn in Crucible. This guy kept getting killed by me. Eventually he killed me once ( not really). I shot him with thorn 3 times so he was teabagging me and slowly dying. Then he died. I laughed so hard at that moment. Then I used my self rez and teabagged his ghost. The match ends and sends me a retarded message saying: "Screw you scrub. Im better than you. You suck. You cant aim eh?" I say: "Says the guy with a .4 kd and is in the bottom of the board with rare weapons. Plus, never teabag a warlock You scrub." He says: "Wut evar Screw you"

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  • F*** you, pussy with sniper you're sh**.

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    1 Odpowiedź
    • Titan shoulder charges me, and teammates, at least a dozen times. Leads clash team with 20+ kills. I message "did you even shoot your weapon?" Titan "maybe once or twice" Me "ain't even mad"

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      2 Odpowiedzi
      • "You're too good, stop playing" I wasn't even mad.

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        • Over heard a two randoms I'd been paired with asking about the phogoth dead ghosts ... So I jumped up stood danced pointed shit at them anything to get their attention so they could get it ... Got a message that just read ... Looking for dead ghost so -blam!- off you faggit ... So I went n killed phogoth on my own n got more abuse for pulling them out when I knew they were looking for the ghost So posted back ... Yes I know ... I was dancing like a faggit on the first one ... Got the other too before I killed phogoth ... Still I need to come back for the third ... But not with you two losers

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        • Edytowany przez użytkownika BuckTeefKeef: 1/14/2016 10:52:32 PM
          I got sent a picture of a tent once because i wrecked with chaperone/hung jury on control in black shield. I had 9 captures ... didn't even camp! I replied "you got your ass handed to you, get over it!" I continued to get party invites and stats pulled from tracker sent to me. He seemed a little upset. I later found that he was a forum user and a self confessed "sweaty and competitive" player who acted all moral! Haha

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        • Edytowany przez użytkownika RiDONkulous: 1/14/2016 8:18:17 PM
          My favorite is the opposite. The guy who rushes in with a sword when the enemy you have been shooting is one bullet from dead. You throw your grenade into a bunch of psions and before it goes off BOOM in comes a rocket from this guy. "I know!", I think, while he is distracted I'll go deal with the ads on the far side of the room. SNIPE SNIPE SNIPE. Off goes the heads of the 3 ads in front of me.... ooooohkaaayy. I'll just use my Jedi Lightning on these ads and make some orbs.... FIST OF HAVOC! Okay, I get it, get out the Smashmouth CD, you're an all star. I then proceed to sit the rest of the strike, occasionally waving as he asks for my hand in marriage with his display of utter dominance. Oh the vapors! No seriously, this is annoying. Play alone if you want to play alone, if you're in a fireteam based activity, act like it. There are no Michael Jordans in Destiny.

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          • We were handing out wins in trials, and using goofy weapons. The enemy team started tbagging us and sent us a message mid-game saying "pink shader noobs. F*ck outta here" We put on higher LL guns. I went on 10 kill streak with my dead orbit scout and a fusion rifle. I messaged him after saying, " we were handing out wins but you lost since you decided to be an ass" His response was "whatever fusion rifle crutch noob"

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            3 Odpowiedzi
            • Joined up Alak hul sword strike, asked what sword this guy and his buddy were getting and he responded "Only arc and solar" I told him I needed void and asked if they were down to do all 3. Dude says tough [b]s[/b]hit, they're not doing all 3 so I might as well leave. Sent him a message back and told him if they killed the guy I needed I would kill both of theirs. They immediately left and two other people that needed the void sword joined and we finished it. Gotta love morons.

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              5 Odpowiedzi
              • I was wrecking a sniper and his snipey buddies with a Shotgun last week on trials as they were just sitting at the back of the map just ahead of their spawn by the bus... He messaged me afterwards saying "Try using a primary, Camper"! Astounded by this guys blatant stupidity, as I had to do a semi rotation of the map to sweep round behind them, I simply replied "Sorry Mr Campy Sniper" No reply followed... People complain about others using a Shotgun.... A LOT! But riddle me this, it's acceptable for people to camp sniper alleys and wait for someone to show their head so they can one shot with ease, yet I run into the face of adversity with my Heavily Nerfed Death bringer that is the Invective, and I'm a scrub... Please!!! Not that I don't have to 3/4 shot people with it these day due to the paltry range the cry baby Nerf Merchants have brought upon it, I know have to literally jam it up someone's Arse so far that the barrel is touching the enemies heart for it to be a one shot kill... It's a -blam!-ing shotgun for crying out loud... I've heard all the bollocks about Guardians wear wear space age armour and blah blah blah... But it's a Space age shotgun... I don't believe that anything in this game is OP right now, besides the lag of course, and the only thing that should be nerfed is people moaning about being killed by something to often and not knowing how to counter it...

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              • I posted the other day but I got a new one, did trails today had a good game ended 5-4 to my team I had 19 kills and 8 deaths so I teabagged just because you's fun. Anyways get two of them sending me hate so I just replied with non childish messages then they started going on about my grammar because I forgot to put a space between one word and a question mark so I go on to correct their grammar as they spelt it grammer, one kid spelt full, with an a -_- then they stated I missed a full stop one even gave me a mum joke, 12 year old confirmed I said, he then proceeds to tell me to 'suck my d you tw4t' 10 year old confirmed I said, anyways long story short, one stopped sending me messages as I told him it would be depressing if he was older from his messages/spelling and the other one apologised to me...then we both wished each other what am saying is if you send me hate mail, get ready to be mocked :D

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              • Edytowany przez użytkownika LooksLikeFelix: 1/16/2016 9:08:28 PM
                He t-bagged me. After the match I'm sending him a message, because he was using 2 shotguns and died all the time. He had a .5 kd I got a 1.5 Me: 2 shotguns gg He: I specialize myself in close quarter combat. Wait, I don't remember fighting with or against you. Who are you? He: Going through my recent games I see that I fought you in skirmish. He: While I focus on CQC and you clearly focus on long range sniping, does not give you any permission to talk down on my set-up while both of our set-ups are equally as annoying to fight against. Longest message I ever got.

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                1 Odpowiedź
                • I get called a retard --- a lot

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                  1 Odpowiedź
                  • Had a kid message my friend after a control match to kill himself because we beat him. Sent the kid a party invite and blew up on him and the kid had every defense he put on the table to try and defend himself put down within seconds. The kid actually ended up admitting to us that he was a piece of shit for saying it and that he was sorry.

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                    5 Odpowiedzi
                    • No life

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                      1 Odpowiedź
                      • "Shut up Xûr! All you sell is shit!"

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                        8 Odpowiedzi
                        • I can't even begin to tell you how many hate messages I get because of my gamerscore.... so here I go telling you! Literally every other day or so when I'm playing online I'll get some sort of hate mail, or be falsely accused of hacking, because of my gamerscore. Shit is funny though

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                        • Got hate mail for killing someone a bunch with ice breaker. I wasn't camping or anything, but was also not running around like crazy. Dude cussed me the heck OUT for it lol. At least I was using a sniper no one ever uses

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                        • Back during srl, me and this other guy were head to head almost the entire race. Coming up on the last gate on venus, he tries to push me into the left wall but misses and kills. He ended coming in 4th and i got an exotic engram. He then kept spamming me, calling me "try hard fageet wit a shitty eververse sparrow" (i was using the lumos, the pink one). I didn't bother responding cause he wasn't worth the time. Funny enough, he and i both stayed in matchmaking for a few more races. He kept losing cause he was too busy spamming me.

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                        • Edytowany przez użytkownika Nebulrike: 1/16/2016 7:45:50 PM
                          Him "Blink and TLW,you are trash Your entire team is trash" Me "I was using The First Curse and NightStalker,BTW all you did was use felwinters and your teammate never killed me in a sniper battle. You couldn't use a primary and your teammates couldn't snipe me in a 1v2 You got outplayed"

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                        • I got one where in trials we played against a Mexican team and they weren't trying just dancing,not moving ect.. So when it was 4 to 0 and one of them danced in front of us and then he ran back but I headshotted him when he did ( it was nasty btw lol) when the game ended he said in Spanish that I thought I was the best player and that I suck and he wanted to 1 v 1 me all I said was well I'm not the one who just went 0 and 8 aha

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                        • Was playing skirmish yesterday with my two cousins. During one game, I must have done really well, but I got a message during the game saying "Head glitch faget" We played a second match too, all the while the messages were coming in. Gotta love the new PSN message app, makes responding to hate mail a lot easier. I was like "wtf is faget and I don't even know what head glitching is" and proceeded to call him a -blam!-. He responds with "F**k up B***h" I said "are you 12 years old?" He said "T-bag your mom b***h" "Enjoy your internet b***h I got you" Then I said, "Did you see me T-bag your mom in that building while I was reloading my gun?" He said" Good luck with trials this weekend with no internet" i said "Idgaf bitch, only one losing sleep over this is you bitch. Did you see my 8-0 score lmao?" Then he basically went polar opposite and started to be nice, even wanted a friend request. Started to get creepy when he started saying things like I love you, calls me sweetheart too!! Says he was never mad, then says goodnight and I ended it with, "Unlike you, I won't make false claims, you'll be the first I block from PSN, that way, I don't ever have to get matched up with you again" Then blocked him.

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                          6 Odpowiedzi
                          • Giving is good during Christmas

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                          • [quote]Then I used my self rez and teabagged his ghost. [/quote] lol Now that was a nice touch! XD

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                          • Someone told me to get skill. I just play for fun so I don't care. :)

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                          • I got one that I want to say was in spanish but I have no idea.

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                            1 Odpowiedź
                            • Never gotten hate mail but I did just get thorn so maybe soon lol

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