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Edytowany przez użytkownika VENOM_MDK_117: 1/21/2016 5:26:28 PM

How to pronounce Uranus...

Ok. This is the history of Uranus *clears throut* Uranus as you know was discovered by William Herschel in 1786. Its first name given was The Georgium Sidus or The Georgian Star This was so because of the reigning monarch King George III. This was proven tricky even in English so other countrys named alternatives for the newly discovered planet. Some were Herschel,Neptune,Georgium and funny enough George. Then a German bloke ( forget his name ) wanted to name it Uranus after the Greek God of the heavens. This was fine as it was pronounced OW-RAH-NUS. But, when it was translated back to English its pronounciation got corrupted and people started to pronounce it as it was spelt. Thus we have the unfortunate UR-AN-US. Other alternatives are UR-IN-US but quite rarely you might hear UR-A-NUS. So how do you pronounce the planet Uranus? Easy, OW-RAH-NUS

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