Why do they call it feminism? If the point of the movement is to bring equality between the sexes then why not call it something that applies to both genders? If the purpose is to bring equality then the movement should also be fighting for men's rights correct? Women don't have to sign up for the draft, they almost always win child care in divorce cases, and 100,000 to 140,000 males are -blam!- in prison every year.
But anyway that's just my thoughts, what does offtopic think?
Edytowany przez użytkownika Charlemagne: 1/25/2016 9:55:44 PMAlright, I study sociology. I'll break this down for everyone. Feminism is a movement which was started by females for females to bring their standard of living up to that of their male counterparts. Modern feminism incorporates male rights and support, equality for the sexes and genders, and much more. It is a branch of egalitarianism. If you identify as an egalitarian, you are a feminist. If you say otherwise, you're neither. You cannot be one without the other. Yes, there are extremists. There are extremists in almost everything. However, they are not nearly a representative population. The extremists are a very small portion of the population. Now, in the sociological word, there is a new term, sort of as a joke, called "postfeminism". This is really just a tease that is labelled on people who are feminists but who are afraid of the label for some reason. I think it's a funny little thing, that people could actually be afraid of being feminist, but it's definitely the fault of the media. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to address them. Please keep things classy, though.
[b] [/b]
And now we wait for princess anomaly.
Feminazis yearn for equality and to make sure everyone knows that they can do exactly what a man does. Again they want TOTAL equality. Yet, when they do something deemed as a "mans" job they want all the praise in the world because they are a women.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Platinum_Swurve: 1/25/2016 9:29:27 PMSilly male, all men are pigs obviously
When men have no rights, then its equal.
Equality doesn't exist outside of mathematics. We'd be much better off candidly recognizing our differences and moving on from there
Edytowany przez użytkownika Demagogue: 1/26/2016 1:17:10 AMThe name of the movement alone seems like a really stupid thing to get bent out of shape over.
[i] *puts on an antic disposition* [/i] Many (males and females alike) have begun to call themselves humanists instead.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Autolycus: 1/25/2016 10:26:52 PMMasculinism is about gender equality. [spoiler]Oh semantics...[/spoiler]
If mankind represents men and women then why is it called [b]man[/b]kind? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [spoiler]who cares[/spoiler]
Edytowany przez użytkownika Blueliner13: 11/2/2020 5:01:12 AM*Deleted*
Because they have been fighting for womens rights as long as women were threated much worse than men. Signs of equality didnt really start to show until the early 1900's.
The word most people look for is egalitarianism
Because it was actually fighting for women's rights back when women had less rights than men. Bow all sorts of ideologues adopt the label.
Edytowany przez użytkownika SmallButFatal: 1/25/2016 8:47:03 PMWe're called women because all men need someone to go "woooo(ah) man"
Because originally it was to ensure equal right for women. However tumblr feminists have hijacked the movement and poisoned it.
Why....why are you doing this?
Because they just want special treatment.
Because they don't want equality, they (the extreme feminists) want to be on top berating men.
That sounds like communism friend