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2/1/2016 3:58:11 AM

Who Else Hates Superman?

*a wild gringo has appeared* As a super hero, he is really annoying. he has the powers of so many other heroes and makes them useless. Laser Vision? Cyclops. Super speed? Flash. Super strength? Captain America or Hulk. Flying? Iron Man and infinite others. Invincibility? Deadpool. Plus at least 10 other things. He literally just takes the one thing that makes these heroes unique and shits on it by outdoing it and having 20 other powers too. Why would anyone ever care about the Flash if Superman can run faster than him? Not to mention while other heroes have flaws like Iron Man's ego or the Hulk's... anger, Superman has a rock. Not some deep seeded personal issue or physical flaw, a rock. It is stupid how anyone would ever even care about Batman when Superman does what he does and 20x better? End rant

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