po raz pierwszy umieszczony:Xbox One
Just wanted to say that I saw 2 messages that brought a smile to my face this am. They both just said that they were looking for people to play the game with. It was such a refreshing change from only reading messages that have the constant theme of you need to be awesome to play with me because I am awesome.
Being a new player and working through the 20 levels it is sad to see so many people that only want to play with other people if they meet some sort of check list. Also I get tired of seeing the posts that say you can only play with with me if you are good / know your $h#t / have level ? etc.
I am not saying that there is never a time and place to be selective about the people you are choosing to go into a certain mission with. I know that everyone should be on par with you and you need to meet the mission minimum requirements. I just feel sometimes with all the posts I see about how "you need to be better than I am" to play with me keeps some Noobs to PvE / Solo mode to avoid the people that forget this is a game.
I feel like these type of messages have a negative connotation to them. I am hoping that I am only seeing a small portion of this community, because I love this game. I have been only playing a month, but I know this is something awesome and I can see myself playing this game for a long time.
End of rant. Thanks for listening to me.
Hey if you want, add me, i completely understand how you feel about the community because people are only searching now for want they want instead of others who need it. Your independent. No one really comes to forums to explain how they feel about others who dont get much attention because of their skill or level or gear. Keep it cool bro